COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

On 1/21/21, one death a day will probably be too many. Thanks, Biden. Way to blow it on COVID!


I walked every round but 2 or 3 which is new for me. I actually really enjoyed it, I’ll be walking the majority of my rounds going forward.


I started walking this year and really enjoyed it as well, as long as the course is set up for walking. Played one course with a lot of distance between holes. Ended up walking 11 miles that day.

Since Mid March:

Take out garbage and get mail once a week
Groceries twice a month
Takeout food once a month
Saw my Dad and Stepmom for my birthday (they were the only ones around and that remains my only “close” [more than 15 minutes] contact in this whole time).

Nothing else. The world has passed me by, and I’ve accepted it.



Some of them do not seem to have any practice with entering dissociative states to duck incoming trauma… They aren’t rolling with the punches at all. Looks like it really hurts.

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I only had one of those, it was a course I’d never played and I think we were the only people on it not in carts. The walk from the clubhouse to the 1st tee took 10 minutes so I figured we’d be in for a long day after that. Then the walk from 17 green to 18 tee was another 10 minutes, the course designer brought us way out for the back 9 and then realized shit I’ve got to route people back towards the clubhouse so they just stuck 18 half a mile away from 17, good job dude.


Since March:

My family has grocery shopped once a week, though it was every other week in March/April
Costco 1x per month
Takeout once a week or so, but that’s a recent change - we didn’t do take out for months at the beginning
A few rounds of golf
A lot of camping
Rented an AirBnB up in the mountains. We cleaned it before hand.
Met my wife’s equally locked down family at an AirBnB in Idaho that we drove to
Gone to an indoor R/C car track with my daughter twice. It’s big and fairly unpopulated and mask compliance is high. We’re going this weekend but I think it’ll be our last time for quite awhile
Played tennis outdoors several times
We had one backyard dinner with another family over summer
We had a BBQ with 2 other families that we had a quarantine pod with (the kids were moving between houses all summer)
Haven’t dined indoors since February. Haven’t had coffee indoors. Haven’t really done anything indoors. Haven’t seen my mother in over a year :frowning:

My wife and I have been spiraling down a bit lately. Feels like we’re the crazy ones, while we drive by shitty diners and see them packed with people. Wife had a rough day of it today…


For me it’s been more like a solitary lifestyle of limited human interaction didn’t require a lot of change to adapt to the plague era.


For me, since March:

No haircut. Bought clippers in May. Pretty much have a sloppy crew cut since then. Cut my hair 2x a month. Shave once a week.

Always wear a mask going anywhere.

I don’t mind going into stores. Always in and out in 5-10 minutes. Probably go in various stores 10x total a week.

If I get fast food, it’s Sonic because I stay in my car and have 10 second interaction when they bring the food.

Have dined at a Diner 2x. Both were outside on windy days. Sat in a position where the waitress was downwind while taking my order. Ate alone both times.

Have traveled and visited places but it’s all outdoor stuff like camping, hiking and driving.

Have not been inside a building with others for more than 10 minutes. Maybe 15 tops.

Other than a doctor giving me a blood pressure test in August, have not had physical contact with anyone.

You pop in to stores 10x per week?

The thing is, if that woman I posted above catches the rona, she’ll start spouting off about how masks don’t work because she did everything right but still caught it.

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These MFers cruisin


Yea like Publix or a liquor store. Rarely more than 5-10 min at a time. Won’t go in a mall or big store like Wal-Mart.

My tiny rural Ohio county appears to be pretty fucked.


Holy shit, the very first Caribbean cruise and someone got pozzed? What horrible luck! Who ever could have seen that coming???


I have been to the grocery store about once every 2 weeks
the bank 3 times
a car dealership once

my parents have been over and my sister and her kids have been over as well.

Also I have gone for walks occasionally.

I don’t mind solitary life at all.

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Was on pretty hard quarantine after I lost my job in mid-March.

Started playing golf in early May. Ended up playing 75 rounds this summer.

Went on two trips where we stayed in an AirBnB.

Have been eating and drinking at outdoor patios since mid-August but am probably shutting that down in light of recent surges.

I think in general my wife and I have lived by the philosophy of “We are likely going to get it at some point and we’ll be fine. In the event that we do get it, make sure we’re spreading it to as few people as possible”

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That’s 1/4 of a Benghazi. What a fucking tragedy that would be.


Lady that cuts my hair posted this

I think I should find a new person