COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Lol not all of them, anyway. I’m averaging just about what I projected, iirc.

Want to take a guess which state the student lives in?

Yeap… I’m right there with you. We are so fucked and the fact this will, of course, disproportionately impact poor and minority communities is devastating.

Are you the big winner?

I remember in the neighborhood dealer call games played with quarters routinely walking out with $40 and not having anyone notice because lol stakes. But I imagine if you’re pulling $2-4K off the table every week they might notice.

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They noticed they just thought you were lucky


Filled up a big shedds margarine tub one time. They played all these crazy split pot games. They’d all look at me funny when I folded on the 3rd card (got to stay in to win) but then another hand they pay me out over 8 cards while I just raised the $0.25 or $0.50 every chance with lock/lock.


I’m averaging in that range but there is an L in there now and then and I’m not shy about it… And I chalk my wins up to luck. Plus I’m friendly and give action.


So this is what we’re dealing with. This person believes she’s been taking covid VERY seriously and has been locked in her home for 8 months:


That seems pretty reasonable except for the “out for dinners”. Probably still better than 90%+ of people.

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I don’t know. I’ve done approximately zero of anything indoors other than shopping.


Basically everything they did was banned in Australia (and fineable by $1000+ fines) and we had wayyyyyyyyy less cases. Americans are truly the most entitled people on Earth.


What have I done since March?

Grocery maybe 8x
Home depot 2x
Welding supply for dry ice 2x
Auto supply 3x
Takeout/drive thru/delivery maybe 15x
Bank machine to deposit 1x
Friend’s house to disassemble/reassemble his pool table 1x ea
Inlaws overnight 1x
Costco for propane 3x

…and that’s it? Can’t think of any other times I’ve been off of my property.

How do I stack up to you guys? I’d assume I’m pretty typical here.

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Er, I’ve been out and about almost like usual since I went back to work in June.

0 meals in a restaurant
0 indoor family get togethers

Other than wearing a mask everywhere, that’s about the full extent of my precautions over the past 5 months. I’d say 0 bars/parties/socializing too, but I wasn’t doing those things before Covid either.

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Have you been out less or more than the person in the Fatboy8 post?
  • less
  • about the same
  • more

0 voters

Grocery (Big Order) 1x
Small Market (5-10 min) 3x
Private Masked Home Game 3x
Drive Through 4x
Curbside Food or Groceries 15x+
Walmart Curbside Forced to go in 2x
Outdoor Distanced Hangouts 15x+
Beer/Liquor Store 2x
Casino to Cash In Chips 2x
Bank to Deposit Said Cash 1x

Obviously I consider outdoors with distancing pretty safe.

Probably ponied but JFC at this.


i guess more. ate at a sit down place three times or so. outdoor seating maybe twice more. lots of takeout, lots of trips to grocery, dozen trips to hardware/garden stores. probably a dozen hikes. three cross country flights, meeting a big family each time, but got lucky with it i guess. gym twice (reservations and masks were mandatory). dinner with friends in backyard 3 times. mask wearing in public places around 99%. outside probably 50% when no other people.

oh yeah, visited dentist once, doctor twice.

I go into work everyday

Besides work
Grocery store 2-3 times a month (my wife usually goes).
Small outdoor gatherings with friends (fires, patios etc), maybe 10 times this summer, those will probably go to zero with winter.
Golf, 30-40 rounds this summer.
Takeout food every week or two.
Ate on a restaurant patio 3 or 4 times.
See my parents and the in laws once a month, that was mainly outdoors but winter is here so idk what we’ll do going forward. I’d be ok with cutting off all visits for now.
Trips to various stores for house projects, lawn stuff and auto stuff.
Wife and I rented a cabin a few hours from home for a weekend.
Dentist once. Eye Dr once. Regular Dr once I think, maybe twice

Probably some other stuff I’m not remembering

I know it’s been said and we all know it, but I am just dumbfounded that we’re getting close to the bring out your dead phase of this and there isn’t any kind of federal response. The fucking election is over, maybe they can put aside politics and do something good for the country?

Do you guys think there’s any number of dead or people dying in the hallways of the hospitals or morgue trucks that are going to make people start to understand the seriousness of the situation?

The person that I posted about above, her profile is public. Here’s a picture of her sacrificing her freedom for Covid:


Oh I forgot golf. Maybe 7-10 times, separate carts.