COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m down south of you in portland area and asked my sister in law who is a icu nurse and she said her hospital is on divert. Been over capacity for a few weeks. Have 2 wings full of Covid patients.

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I’ve got a county near to mine that has 1113 active cases in a population of 66,357, so 1.7 percent of the population is an active case, or 1 in 60 basically. Right? I’m very insecure about my math.

Any of you guys have a ballpark on how bad this is right now? Total disaster, hospitals soon to be overrun territory? Because my county appears to be heading toward the same situation. It sounds like we’re about as bad as South Dakota here.

Arithmetic seems correct.

Very bad.


Yes it does sound like that. Good luck.

Thanks. Mine is heading same direction just a little behind them. I guess I was asking because it still seems like none of this matters to the people around my region yet and I needed some reassurance that I’m not the crazy one.

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What data for active cases are you using? In the US, many places don’t ever resolve cases, so they stay active forever.

I think a good proxy of active cases is positive tests in the last 14 days.

Most of the county health departments around here are posting updates on Facebook. For this county the total case number is 2614 to date, with 68 deaths and 1433 recoveries. I do not know how they’re tallying recoveries. I suppose maybe some of those aren’t being counted if people aren’t reporting back to them? Maybe there’s a reason the county isn’t specifically reporting an active case count.

ETA: The 14-day total ended up being 633, almost 1 percent of the county. So still not good.

MN governor just announced the same restrictions. He justified it by saying that they believe a lot of the spreading is happening later at night when young people come out or when people have been drinking for hours and become more careless

You’re friends with Cactus? No way.

In before I got ponied.


I get the logic in that. Just seems like it’s not going far enough. But I am no expert, mostly just thought it was funny.

Gotta say, I did not anticipate the entire country totally giving up. Damn, even with vaccines on the horizon we’ve gone full Ship of Fools.


Remember when we were meticulously wiping down grocery deliveries? Yeah that was when things weren’t nearly this bad.


Me too.


Fortunately we do know more about how it works now. I suspect that no matter how bad this gets most of this forum won’t get the rona.

But yeah this is going to be just unbelievably sad to watch. I cried this weekend for the first time since before my dad died. Really weird moment in time right now.


I use 14 day sum of active cases then express that as per 1,000 population.

Dakota’s are both in the 20 range. NY state maxed at about 6. I think the city was more in the 20 range.

I really thought the low density in rural America slow the spread. Guess not.

I have to roll the dice 2-3 more times in this poker game, until they hopefully realize how bad the pandemic is again and take a break. Hopefully my N95 and sanitizer combined with all their masks gets me through. Everything else I do will be outdoors.

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They aren’t noticing you taking them to the cleaners? :)

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I never did.

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Hey that got me through a few months of nothing but covid so glgl may you flop all of the sets


I hear you. I do fear that a lot of people burned out their reserves of resolve back on March/April.

Reserves of Resolve would be a great name for a band, BTW.

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Evidently the CDC has said that you are ok after 14 days even if you still have the virus in you because some people aren’t contagious after that. At least that’s what I heard from a law student I’m working with on a white paper. She told me she had the rona one day over zoom, said she had to quarantine till Friday. I was like, how do you know you’ll be ok? And she’s like oh the school told me it’s ok per CDC. I was like wtf sure thing.