COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m assuming 3-5% day over day growth until data says otherwise. Like maybe a falling poz rate.

Test was negative. I’m still supposed to quarantine for another couple days according to the paper they gave me but I feel bad for screwing over the people at work.


Can confirm Iowa has overrun it’s testing capacity. Used to be symptomatic cases could get same day rapid testing. Now there is a multiple day wait.

If you add in Kansas they went over 20,000 on 13M in population or so. That’s what roughly 1 in every 600 people pozzed just today? In two weeks at that rate they hit 1 in every 45 people a confirmed positive. Rounding the corner!

Brutal! Kansas making a case to join the club.

So we plateau at 200k confirmed cases a day? That seems like where testing capacity limit will start to kick in nation wide. Shooting for natural herd immunity with a vaccine around the corner doesn’t seem like an ideal plan, but we may legit have 1 million daily new infections here soon.

So, uh…should I stop going outside my house again?


@Will1530, what’s the report from the local Seattle frontline? I inquired with a friend that is a nurse in one of our hospitals down here in Olympia and she says things are starting to pick up again. How is further north?

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If your comfort zone isn’t shrinking dramatically you’re doing it wrong. It’s orders of magnitude more dangerous to be around other people today than it was in August.

Yeah it’s reaching self-imposed lockdown territory again. The slope of 7DMA is still increasing.

It’s disgusting. My medical ICU is going to be 100% covid soon. Haven’t seen that shit since April or May. We started implementing our plan to turn our telemetry units into ICUs. We came damn close to that during the first wave. I didn’t honestly we would be here again.


Vermont makes a V shape. So that’s Vermont

JFC, and Washington has a more competent governor than most. Hope Inslee shuts down the state and finds a way to enforce it soon.

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Nobody is in charge at this point. The president can’t be bothered and the VP and head of the task force is on vacation.

There are no adults in the room. Proceed accordingly.

Cuomo is doing the same staggered bullshit. There’s no evidence his zones or gradually reimposing restrictions is slowing let alone decreasing the growth rate. I guess it’s back to instacart and tuna.

Yeah Dems couldn’t shut down before Election Day for fear of a landslide and are still limited by a complete lack of political will. The political will is going to come, but at a grave cost. We all have to play our own version of Minesweeper til then.


Yah my part of NY had .5% positive rate and like a couple cases per 100k for months, which has turned into like 4% and 30 cases over the last month. It is mooning in the non-NYC parts of the state, and the city won’t be too far behind.

I now have a yellow box drawn over my town but yah, full speed ahead here.

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COVIDsgiving sure is going to be fun.


Wichita,KS is averaging about 500 cases a day for a city of 350k. That puts it in the Dakota range. My parents live there and my mom was talking about doing a small thanksgiving today. I tried to talk her out of it and told her we weren’t coming but she probably will have a 6-8 person gathering if I had to guess. She and my dad to their credit have mostly taken things very seriously but I think having Thanksgiving at 66 this year is obviously suicidal.