COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’ve got several close friends and co-workers currently infected. None very sick yet, and no family yet, thankfully.


Philly area hospitals starting to get full and our rise has been modest comparatively to the upper Midwest.

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“It does have cold-chain challenges as it were. In a country like the UK and the United States we can address them and it still would be challenging. But, probably much more challenging in countries in the developing world,” Fauci said

Finally a sensible solution.

Unlike other deplorables, Staten Islanders were taking COVID seriously this spring and summer, since they were living through the first wave.

I guess COVID fatigue and being morons caught up to them.

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Lol Long Island. A whole bushel of nominees

Not a nominee :frowning:

In Canada we fine the fuck out of these people. Seems crazy you could get a big speeding ticket for going 10 mph over on the way to an event like this but for making dozens sick, closing a school/workplace down the best you have is public shame?

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Anecdotally, 4-5 of my friends/family have texted me in the past two weeks about getting covid.

My S.O. was confirmed positive last week. Don’t have the energy to type too much about it but she’s doing well. Mild symptoms. I’ve been in a hotel since last Monday. No symptoms for me yet. This year is surreal.


Probably should put a new color on this map for whatever is worse than “uncontrolled spread”.


I don’t share this view of human worth. I’m just saying, “let everyone die it’s good for the economy” fails even if you view people as individual bits of consumption.

How about we put a skull and cross bones symbol in states where the hospitals are full

Iowa, what the fuck? 48 percent positivity rate. Yikes.

What an odd jab. NASA doesn’t have these capabilities because they outsource them? At the end of the day, we as a society could put apes on the moon again if it was a national priority the way it was in the 60s. And yes, subcontracting the shiny big go-up rockets you love from Elon would likely be a part of that.


Good on you, Vermont. Or maybe that’s New Hampshire, I’m not entirely sure.


The easy way to remember which of them is which is that one of them is on the left and the other on the right


We are going to be flying blind on cases again pretty soon. Multiple states in the 30-50% pozz rate range means testing is maxed out there.

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That makes sense and after rereading the exchange I should of realized that is what you are saying.

The terrible 4 of the Dakotas, Iowa and Wisconsin reported 14,480 cases and 127 deaths today on just over 10M population.