COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Anybody who bought the bounce… sell sell sell!

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So I’ve been spinning this around in my brain the past few days, and had something terrible happen today. Can’t be too specific because this is a litigious area. Basically had a healthy adult come in with a set of symptoms, did a thorough and complete workup. They left before it was done against medical advice, but I was about to discharge them and the things I was waiting on were negative.

They came back a day or two later with a devastating result. I’m gutted.

I can’t see anything I did wrong, but man… next patient I get like that will be hard to not freak out about. It’ll probably change how I think forever.

Also had a young covid death. Today’s been a day. Nothing I could do about that one.


That sucks Caffeine. Truly thank you for all your hard work and the massive amount of people you’ve been able to help through this awful time.


Day 13 of my city having zero cases. Took my dad out for dinner. Not crowded and lots of social distance, but felt weird and maybe reckless.

I think this needs to be a one off. Unless we have somehow eradicated it in the wild.

Just coming out of a hard lockdown. We are probably at the absolutely best it’s going to be until vaccine or god forbid, lockdown 3.0. So thought we should take advantage while we can.


I don’t think I have said this yet but I appreciate how serious all of you have taken this. I know it has not been easy but every little bit counts. I think this community has also helped me and I assume many of us take this an appropriate level of seriousness. In that sense it has probably saved more than a few lives.

It kind of sucks that I feel like we got a few days of bliss after the election and the Covid situation is now exploding to this level. The worry I have started to feel over the past few days for my family, friends and community is enormous. I think our politicians are failing us bigly and frankly the media is too. This issue was basically ignored the last month because of the election. Even worse the right wing media sources basically stopped reporting on it entirely 4-5 months ago as a serious issue for political reasons and probably helped lure tens of millions into a false sense of security.


Here’s a novel idea:

She brings up a good point, the govt needs to pay people to stay home.


The lady I go to for a cut has always seemed pretty cool and non deplorable but her dad was a cop and after George Floyd and defund the cops stuff she’s become obsessed with backing the blue. She owns her own shop and is now all MAH FREEDUMS anti mask and anti lockdown so I’ve been avoiding her. On month 5 of no cut, I was going to grow it out anyway but it could use some cleaning up, don’t trust anyone else to do it though

The Masters had their Champions Dinner inside Tuesday with 33 people. I’m sure it was a very pozzitive experience.


They are all tested prior I believe.

So was everyone at the Rose Garden super spreader event.




Yeah, Trump wasn’t tested before he gave it to everyone at the Rose Garden event

And, since this is the info thread:

You can test negative and still be contagious

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Nominee for simplest and best fyp

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I just listened to the latest On The Media episode and am shook.

It seems like there’s no hope of a serious, coordinated vaccine effort this winter. I mean, there’s a dry ice shortage? wtf kind of 2020 shit is that. I give up.

Apparently Doctors Without Borders is mobilizing to the USA because we’re the preeminent humanitarian disaster in the world right now.

I’m not sure Trump will accept this, and frankly we don’t deserve this. This country is willfully choosing this for itself.

That said there are many innocent victims of those choices - hopefully this helps them.

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Was anyone confident in estimating when the vaccine will actually be distributed?