COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I assure you this is no onion. Wedding is like 100+ people and indoors. Actually, ITS NOT A EVEN A FUCKING WEDDING THEY GOT MARRIED IN JAMAICA A WEEK AGO. ITS A GOD DAMN RECEPTION.


What the hell?

First of all, people can go to Jamaica right now?


What shithole state is allowing this, Florida?

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That explains a lot.


So good news time because we sure have enough bad news. Co-worker of mine is a nurse. He’s a traveler, so he goes all over the country. He worked in my shop for a year or so. I liked him a lot. Big huge burly guy that was one of the most friendly people you could meet. Built like an OL. Worked nights. Took shit from no one but demented old women. When shit went down, you wanted him there.

He was out in California when covid hit, but he took a contract in a shit hospital in NYC and got covid. They had a lot less PPE there.

He was fortunate enough to get sick after we stopped intubating people early, but he got hit hard. He came to our hospital for treatment, and the man damn near died several times. He was on bipap (think darth vader mask) for two straight weeks. He went through hell and back. Even when he got off the bipap during the day, he would need it at night. He spent two months in the hospital and was discharged to a skilled nursing facility on oxygen with the expectation he would need a lung transplant.

Today is his birthday. He has a video of him running in a park with his kindergarten aged daughter with no oxygen on his facebook feed. He’s doing well.



My deplorable FIL shared an image on Facebook this week that says:

I was asked, “You’re willing to lose friends over politics?!!”
I said, “I am willing to lose friends over morals. HUGE difference.”

The other side thinks we are very amoral and that they are the righteous ones. They would give up democracy in a heartbeat to see their dear leader stay in power because this is a war to them.


I’m really hoping that the people who got the bad cases mostly recover fully relatively quickly. I know not all of them will, but I’m hoping.

The Trillbillies talk all the time about the idea that there was also an epistemological crisis during the fall of the Roman republic. The decision makers in my industry seem to be completely convinced by random weird conspiracy level bs, and we’re stuck dealing with the consequences, which is just fantastic.

I just don’t see how society can continue like this long term.

Yes, if you provide a negative test before travel. Also, they have restricted areas where tourists are supposed to stay (basically, the resort areas) and where they are supposed to avoid (Kingston, other primarily residential areas). Basically, trying to get some tourism $ coming in while not importing too many cases.

First guess Riverman got right, second guess would be texas… And after that it’s mo imo.

Hey Sanka, ya pozzed?

Yah mon.

Part of me wonders if things were always this dumb and the more and more I paid attention the more aware of it I became. It sure feels like the complete post-fact anti-science world we are living in is accelerating out of control right now. But is that just me becoming aware of it or is it actually happening? Or is it just that I have taken a few days off alcohol and the Delerium Tremens are setting in?

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I hear they love company there.

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This is a real nice beer.


I still haven’t totally given up on my theory that we were all nuked some time ago and somehow ended up in a Donald Trump-themed purgatory.


We were able to, like, send people to the moon and back at one point. AFAIK we can’t do that anymore. One of the consequences of capital accumulation is that our institutions don’t really select for talent anymore, they mostly just use proxies, like familial wealth.

Foiled again!

We could definitely put a person on the moon again if we really wanted to.

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He said I got the rona so figured we could share ubers lmaooo wtf