COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Jfc, see above. We’re fucking doomed

Good job most of Europe locked down now. UK now at equivalent of 3,000 deaths a day in the US - half of where we were at during our first wave

Oh look, UK Schools still open through lockdown and cases levelling off. Spanish, French and German schoolkids still getting an education despite lockdown too. Italy about to go into Lockdown Lite

Yup. Our neighbors in Slovakia have way fewer cases per capita and extended their state of emergency for an additional 45 days.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the Czech government declined to extend ours in a week.

The vibe I’m getting on social media is that the next round of shutdowns is going to be met with immense resistance. The “middle of the road” folks have had enough. It’s time to let it rip.

They won’t tell me where to stack the bodies, though. They won’t accept that part of the equation. Guess they’ll have to sort it out soon enough.

I’m speechless right now. One of my best friends weddings is happening Saturday. We declined to go, but I just got this from another friend that is going. “SHOULD BE GOOD” what in the ever loving fuck.


This country has lost their fucking minds. In between all the bleeting about the RIGGED ELECTION and people being fucking insanely dumb on Covid I just can’t handle it anymore.


I can’t stress this enough… It’s the information environment being weaponized to increase sales.

This is garbage in garbage out at a stunning scale.

The other side feels the same way about us with the same level of certainty and abject horror. That’s the most amazing part.


The absence of an agreed upon set if facts makes it virtually impossible for any group, let alone a society, to function. The root causes are innumerable but the one that really grinds my gears is the perversion of the concept of leadership. This is very obvious in the political sphere but is more broadly an issue as well. I work in a large, sophisticated corporation and our leaders are so shallow its mind boggling. Somewhere in the past 20 years “leadership” changed from “demonstrated record of success motivating other and making difficult decisions” to “a set of performative behaviors learned on LinkedIn”. If you want to see a corporate VP in 2020 sweat, just ask the question “how is that going to work?” They have no fucking clue.


what in the everloving fuck


i hope you are double tapping the :heart: as many times as you can





I mean, they definitely need a double tap, just not in the way that message indicates


We arent killing people though

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That’s your opinion. The stress of missing out on free refills is a silent killer, my friend.


This is amazing, was it a group text? Any good responses?

I assume they were excited to share an Uber with him and save a few bucks.


I’m sorry but I borderline can’t believe this text. If I was planning to go to this wedding this would for sure cause me to cancel. Talk about your wake up call moments. Holy shit.

JFC that has my blood pressure up

We are so fucking fucked

Narrator: it was not the onion. Johnny was blessedly out of touch with the ground level conditions with the normies on 11/11/2020. The COVID stats were going parabolic for a reason.

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