COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

We have been very unseasonably warm on the east coast so far this year as well.

In a way things could be much worse. They will be much worse. I am in Maryland and we have been 20 degrees above normal for the last three weeks. That will not hold for much longer.

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Week over week we are going up 40+ percent. And rural America is not going to meaningfully modify behavior unless they are forced too.

Read an AP article on a North Dakota man who died of covid in Minnesota because that is where they are sending their sickest patience. Yet no mask mandate or restrictions on public gatherings. This will be play the play book all over rural America. Just keep going and send the sick to the big cities. We really are two countries.

Maryland is reimposing some restrictions (reducing capacity at indoor restaurants, discouraging out of state travel, etc.). Seems like pretty small steps to me, but indicates that they know things are moving in the wrong direction.

It seems like the false sense of security May-October gave us is royally going to fuck us the next few months. Something close to the worst case scenario is still on the table. It seems like to me we are back in a huge exponential growth phase and no meaningful steps to stop the virus(Hogan style restrictions will do nothing at this point) are being put into place and we are coming up on a nationwide superspreader event in 16 days.

Not that it would matter but the symbolism of the head of the Covid task force going on vacation is not lost on me.


Its very frustrating because its been so long and its only getting worse after all this time. Back in the day, I was playing live poker 3 or 4 times a week. Now I can’t even consider it, even though poker rooms are open. I keep thinking maybe I can don my casual haz-mat suit and play some table games at a casino that’s about a 90 minute drive away. Maybe I can get in and out quickly and make a couple hundos and then leave. But I always reach the same conclusion, that it wouldn’t be fun like it used to be, and I’ve already got a couple hundos. Patience is wearing thin for many people. I get it.

The slope on this 7dma curve is incredible:


That some nice exponential growth just in time for Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving. Families should also plan grandma’s funeral while they have the whole family together.


Maybe pass a hat before they say grace?

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Thanksgiving sure is not coming at a great time this year.

Complete disaster is still avoidable. I don’t see anyone in power really doing much of anything though. A two week lockdown starting today would have probably saved 50k lives but why do that when you can eat buffets and pump iron.


We probably could have gone back to way we were before the third wave got going —no bars, gyms, distance-learning classrooms— and are least kept the curve flat enough to not overrun hospitals.


It needs to happen now. Before the end of the year is a death sentence for a large portion of their citizens.

Governor of Nevada on local news BEGGING people to cooperate for two weeks.

Poor guy.

Any chance you would?

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It’s almost as if OFS wasn’t a good idea.

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Don’t forget telling the snowflake libs to suck it and cry some more, that’s one of their favorite unmasked group activities. Problem is, we make them come outside to do it.

You want to see it?

I was assured school was perfectly safe.

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