COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

That’s crazy.


Greenwald’s husband is pozzed.

Supposed to do them to Stayin’ Alive


Edit: Damn, my pony lost its face



This is updated more or less daily. Manitoba is currently inbetween Texas and Massachusetts. Alberta also on the move. Quebec gotta be happy to finally give up that top spot.


I see Nunavut finally got got a few days ago.

Heard from someone I know in Des Moines that they are at 100% capacity. Not a good sign from Iowa’s biggest city.

Whoever was doing that chart of hospital capacity by state earlier in the thread, I’m guessing it probably looks really ugly right now.


That was me. I’m sure it’s gross right now. I haven’t done it in months.

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I’m too scared to look into the numbers these days. It’s all fucked up at this point and will only get worse through the holidays and winter.

2 weeks from now millions of college students will be packing the airports to come home and millions will travel for Thanksgiving with family.

Then repeat the family travel 3 weeks later.

Chinese restaurant I get takeout from has been takeout-only this whole time but today they’ve opened back up for dining in.

It’s fucked up that right now we are so much worse off than ever before but everyone is treating it like it’s time to ease restrictions.

I’m starting to genuinely wonder if hospital overruns are going to be enough to trigger shutdowns. There have to be a bunch of states on the verge, and we’re not hearing a hell of a lot about impending shutdowns.

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Another 130k+ day today. On the verge of a new record with the remaining states to report.

Do we hit a 200k+ day in November?



I’m struggling to see how we avoid it.


We will be over 150k this week probably. 200k before Thankgiving seems like a lock to me. The only constraint is testing at this point.

We had 94,000 last Tuesday. We have 134,000 so far today(new record) with some reporting to come. That is an insane week over week growth curve and it is still getting steeper week after week.

Nearly 4,000 new cases today in NY state. The state or city is likely to see another shutdown of some sort before the end of the year.

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I thought with Thanksgiving in the US with travel that 200k a day would happen in early December, I now think 300k a day is possible at that time

There will be 160k on Friday at least