COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

wow. Terrible graphs.

Ontario reported 1,388 additional cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, a new single-day record, and 15 more deaths linked to the illness.

It’s the third time in four days that record daily case counts have been set in the province.

Of the newly reported cases, 159 are school-related, including 103 students, 23 staff and 33 people who are not identified. There have now been 601, or about 12.45 per cent, of Ontario’s publicly funded schools that have reported at least one case, while three schools are currently closed because of the illness.

Looks like it’s spreading in schools. No one could have predicted that.




Looks like you cut off the most horrifying part of the graph.

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Newsflash - kids catch covid, kids go to school, school spots covid.

600 schools report at least one case each - OMG - spreading in schools - super spreader

Ofsted has examined the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children, based on visits to 900 schools and early years providers this autumn - and found that it has been a very divided experience.

The chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, says there are three “broad groups” to describe what has happened:

  • The “hardest-hit” group of young children have suffered from time out of school, going backwards on words and numbers and with “regression back into nappies among potty-trained children” or losing “basic skills” such as using a knife and fork.
  • The majority of children in the middle “have slipped back in their learning to varying degrees since schools were closed to most children and movement restricted” and the report says: “Lost learning is unarguable, but it is hard to assess.”
  • There are also children who found the lockdown a positive experience - these children, from supportive but not necessarily well off backgrounds, might have benefited from a greater sense of togetherness with parents and “quality time” as a family

But Ms Spielman says this did not divide along the lines of advantage and deprivation, but instead factors such as whether parents were able to spend time with children and families having what she described as “good support structures”.

Charging hard to catch up to the Dakotas we have a new contender in Iowa. 7dma cases is 3681, which is equivalent to 382k cases per day nationwide. Deaths seem to be surprisingly well controlled so far here though. We’ll see if that continues.

Should probably talk about Wisconsin here too as their 7,073 cases today is equivalent to 400k cases nationwide.

Dakotas, IA, and WI combined for 12,818 cases today on just over 10M total population. Pretty brutal.

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I think we are starting to see the death curve trend up. Today looks like at least 1300 maybe significantly more. The 7dma is up to 117,000/1002 now nationwide with no signs of slowing anywhere.

Another interesting state to look at is Arizona. They did get the summer surge under control fairly well but today announced a huge increase.

Can’t believe I failed to mention new record high 30 deaths in North Dakota today. 1/50th the population of California and 7.5 times as many deaths today. I wasn’t entirely kidding early. A competent federal government would probably declare the Dakotas a disaster area right now.

And yet their governors are still doing the Fox News circuit to brag about their response to try and persuade morons that OFB is how you beat the virus. It’s beyond fucked up. I also laughed every time watching FN during the election coverage when the SOUTH DAKOTA SAFE FOR TOURISM commercial came on. I mean what the fuck.

Oh and sorry for the confusion was not disagreeing with anyone about how stupid it is to keep working while positive with covid.


Almost every call today has been “difficulty breathing, isolation alert”. It’s v bad


Got email from the Hawks today

NBA starting back up in late December and they are gonna have seating packages available. Sure, right at height of pandemic we should start cramming fans into an indoor arena. Sounds like a good idea

Especially to watch the Hawks lose…

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someone should remind trmp that if he accepts loss now, he won’t have to deal with the worst of covid pandemic for the next four years.

Doing the same in the Czech Republic.

Thankfully the R0 has finally dropped below 1 in the CR. We’re making a comeback!


Oh god. My hospital played “this is my fight song, take back my life song” for every discharge. Turns out that’s a really shitty song to be doing chest compressions to


I had an extremely surreal experience during my clinical rotation through the locked down psych ward where all of the pts did a sing along to that song. Chilling stuff