COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

What was the right choice for Sophie? Have you seen the movie?

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In that prisons defense my wife’s assisted living facility lost almost 11% of it’s residents in its first COVID outbreak. It looks like it was a prison for geriatric prisoners. Old folks homes have been the main killing room for COVID since it kicked off in WA.

This is not a defense of how the prison system has handled COVID. Once again we’re talking about ‘it would take the last scene in Braveheart for you to balance the scales of justice’ level gross negligence here.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I was applying the term to this situation in which one of the unthinkable choices is slightly less unthinkable than the other.

Close the schools and find ways to help people, send the pozzed nurses home and find ways to cover staff and tell your governor it’s shutdown time.

It’s an excellent movie and you should see it while it’s only 95% spoiled and not 100%.


It’s on a list of a bunch of excellent movies I haven’t seen yet. I try to keep an eye out for them on my streaming platforms, sometimes HBO picks up old movies like that.

I don’t even know if I recommend seeing it. I just watched a clip. It’s fucking harsh. But, one of those things that you shouldn’t turn away from, I guess.

I also need to see Schindler’s List. I thought The Zookeeper’s Wife was terrific, although there were of course some moments where it was immensely depressing.

Sucks that Sophie’s Choice is mostly spoiled. I didn’t know anything about it when I saw it. Everything you know about it already is a big spoiler. I also didn’t now The Terminator was a robot when I saw that!

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Not good. Belgium had to do this…

Wait… what?

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It’s a great book too, can highly recommend. (I have not seen the movie.)

I think this got posted last night and you both got ponied unless I am losing it. It may have been in the STONKS thread though.


Yeah I saw the name yesterday. But the Black Betty just came to me, then I scrolled down and saw it in the tweet.

This song also has an amazing take on it in the last 30 seconds:

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Your ponies are slow jams


Cut the baby in half, right?

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I was thinking Black Beauty

They want herd immunity for their hospital staff.

Vermont recorded its first COVID death in 3 months today.

All non-essential travel to the state requires a quarantine. (Previously, if an out-of-state county had <400 cases per million we could go there without quarantining. But now basically every county far exceeds that barrier.)

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