COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

-80 storage for a vaccine that will have huge demand will be problematic. -80 is laboratory deep freeze temps. Distribution will be a huge undertaking.

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Biden lays out rising coronavirus rates in the US

In his speech on Covid-19, President-elect Joe Biden said: “Infection rates are going up, hospitalisations are going up, deaths are going up.”

He’s right. All of these indicators are indeed rising in the US according to the Covid Tracking Project.

Hospital admissions are up by around 85% since the start of October. Deaths are also rising - over the last week, more than 900 people have died each day on average.

More specifically on coronavirus infections, Biden said: “Last week we topped 120,000 cases on multiple successive days.”

On Friday and Saturday last week the US recorded more than 125,000 and 128,000 cases, respectively. The daily average over the last week has been 106,000 cases recorded. On Monday, the US reached 10m total cases, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Aunt and uncle tested tested positive last night. Classic deplorables. Haven’t talked to them in years so whatever. Hope they get better, but it will probably just give my family another reason to think it’s not a big deal.


To try and change the subject, how are you guys feeling about taking this vaccine? Once you have taken it what then? Can we really just go back to normal life or are we still supposed to taking some precautions even post-vaccination until we reach terminal velocity with it?

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By the time I get it, there’s probably not much to learn (short term) I assume a healthy 30 year old is on the bottom of the list. Unless my company provides it directly. So yeah pretty much back to normal.

I’ll feel pretty good about taking it if it also gets approved in EU, Canada or Japan.

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I dunno I assume you are going to get to cut the line of 30-40% of Americans who refuse to take it, at least right away. I’m hoping that somehow I get bootstrapped into getting to take it early as I assume my wife will be one of the first to get it as a front-line Covid worker.

Isn’t it a German vaccine? That to me makes it seems a lot safer and less suspect somehow. I am guessing it will get approved in the EU contemporaneously pretty much with the US.

Ugh. Yeah, I guess we should get prepared for that nonsense.

“The government can’t FORCE MY KID to get a vaccine to go to school”

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I suppose they think Jacobson v Massachusetts is fake history.

Yes, gritty button with FAFO as the initials

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Maybe they are people like me who will take it in 6 months to a year when time for any long-term effects to be discovered has passed

Tho if I were a front line worker then I’d move that timeline up as we know there are long-term effects from covid and their odds of getting it are much higher.

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Essential workers, especially ones in lower-paying jobs, should jump to the front of the line in receiving the vaccine before enough of it is produced for everyone.


Well yeah, this was an issue BEFORE Covid.

Yeah I’m generally an empathetic person, but I’m having a hard time mustering up any empathy for these people. Starting in March, I locked down. We could be out of this if everyone did what most of us here on UP are doing. But their side is not, so our side is stuck still. Because we’re not through it, I’m now stuck doing some work that I don’t feel safe doing.

On top of that, it’s been eight months of being told what a bunch of liberal, snowflake, pussy, stupid, soft, weak, scared, anti-American, pro-communist, mask-loving freedom-hating whiny crybabies we are and being told YoU hAvE tO lIvE yOuR lIfE!!! iTs JuSt ThE fLu, HaRdLy aNyOnE dIes.

So in a way these people are an enemy. Their willful ignorance has endangered my life and the lives of people I love. Their continued willful ignorance continues to extend the crisis. We’ve tried repeatedly to explain it to them nicely and basically begged them to take precautions. They’ve laughed in our faces and called us sheep and stupid.

Now they catch the virus they’ve been screaming is a hoax, and some are dying of something they say wasn’t killing anyone, and I’m supposed to feel sorry for them?

I can’t muster sympathy for them. I’m not happy there’s a bunch of death, but play stupid fucking games, win tragic prizes. May some of their brethren learn to take this more seriously as a result, at least some good could come of that.

I do feel sympathy for their family members who were taking it seriously and are losing loved ones, they certainly don’t deserve that.


These are the same monsters locking kids in cages and refusing to believe reality on a wide array of subjects. They are endangering our very way of life. I have no sympathy for any of them.



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If we use the vaccines wisely for at risk populations and around outbreaks combined with contact tracing and mask use then you can eliminate the virus without ever reaching herd immunity. With Trump in charge that would of course never happen but Biden probably is smart enough to do this. Places like NZ and AU have almost eliminated the virus without a vaccine so requiring people entering these countries to be vaccinated and vaccinate elderly and front line medical workers could be enough there. The only issue with that is if there are animals that can get the virus and transmit it back to humans.

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