COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah I’ll probably change it back, but I had to. Gritty really needs to be a button. I’ll swap out my Yang one immediately for it and go back to depressed homer.

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+1 for gritty button


Which it follows is usually carried out by people who are extremely stupid. They made incorrect choices, but they didn’t choose to have a low IQ and get raised in a cesspool of misinformation.

You grew up in a particular very unique time and place. So did they. In some ways yours was worse (If I recall correctly it was literally the Troubles) but when it comes to having a grasp on the reality of what the right wing is actually offering yours was way way better.

Plus you’re smarter than them.

I watched this, and I feel confident that the folks running the operation know what they’re doing.

However, I’m pretty dismayed that in NJ, 60% of doctors said they’ll take the vaccine, and only 40% of nurses said they’ll take it.

That seems ridiculous to me for people that are generally witnessing this carnage first hand. Also doesn’t bode well on the majority of the general public getting the vaccine.

On the other hand, sounds like it might not be an issue having enough doses for the folks that want to get it.

ETA: @suzzer99, stop changing your fucking avatar. I can’t tell who is posting what anymore!

Pfizer and BioNTech have a £1.48bn contract with the US government to deliver 100 million vaccine doses. They have also reached supply agreements with the European Union, the UK, Canada and Japan.

The UK has ordered 40 million doses, 10 million of which are due to be delivered by the end of the year, No 10 said on Monday. This means up to five million people could be vaccinated before the start of 2021.

10m doses each? 50m to be available 2020, shared between EU, UK, Canada, Japan and USA



Got tested today. Felt like an aggressive tickle way up my nose. Got a strep test too and that was negative which is normally a good thing but might have been nice to know it was that instead of possible Rona. They also flushed my ears out and I can now hear everything wonderfully. 2-5 days for results.


Just a matter of time before CFB player is sacrificed.

I’m keeping this forever. boredsocial said he’d change back at some point. Today we are all gritty!


I’m going to take a long hard look at my elitist views during my next 10 hour shift at the grocery store.

While I’m hiding behind the bailer, pissing into a medium sized glove (because the larges and extra larges have been out for months) trying to avoid the 8x8 bathroom shared by 80 employees and several hundred customers.

Thanks for setting me straight.

I’ll try and remember to tell Fernando and Armando (the 70 year old brothers in produce) not to be bitter over facetime when i say goodbye to them. I mean, what, you expect people to stop going to sizzler? They believe in low taxes and limited government, so obviously can’t be bothered to give a shit about taking minimal precautions to save your lives. Koombaya and all.

Gritty is my new favorite thing. He is not idiocy. He’s a representation of the right reaction to hard core fascists… to help them find out. And not just that, but the attitude one should have as one beats the difference between night and day out of them.

Still I laughed pretty hard. Take the like.

EDIT: Seriously someone turn this image into a goddamn button. I want it so bad it hurts. Gritty + fuck around and find out is simply amazing branding/marketing and gives us a more masculine and slightly thuggish story to push on the Rogan crowd. They’re going to love it.



I feel attacked.


AstraZeneca (The Oxford Vaccine) has suggested their vaccine would need the regular cold chain between 2C and 8C.

But at present it looks like the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine would need ultra-cold chain - storage at -80C before being distributed.

Is there a global vaccine task force?

The WHO is working with the epidemic response group, Cepi, and the Vaccine Alliance of governments and organisations, known as Gavi, to try to level the playing field.

At least 94 rich nations and economies, so far, have signed up to the global vaccine plan known as Covax, which aims to raise $2bn (£1.52bn) by the end of 2020 to help buy and fairly distribute a drug worldwide. The US, which wants to leave the WHO, is not one of them.


Oh no! If lorries are required this will only work in the UK. Great job Pfizer.


Can’t ruin the Y’s big year.

Always happy to sell Canada some lorries :)

BS on a weird one today. The party of personal responsibility claims it as their upmost value. You reap what you sow.

Got a negative test result today. 3 day turn around from CVS drive-thru self testing. So that’s improved.


75 years old and engaging in some pre-marital sex? Good for him.

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