COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

If the UK gets 10m, I wonder how many other countries have shares of the first available vaccines? Might be say 20 million doses left for the US

Hasn’t Barr been MIA for weeks? Maybe it wasn’t because he knew Trump would lose but rather because he’s sick?

Check out the link I posted. The military has already spent $12B or something ramping up. It’s sounding like a domestic D-day-level operation.

Bill Barr is still hiding under his bed.

Can we store some of these Jr. tears in cold storage?

Trump will probably just Defense Production Act Pfizer and commandeer all the doses made this year

I don’t think anyone’s using dry shippers here. Presumably you’d distribute in refrigerated trucks/rail cars, even if the vaccine itself needs to be stored in something colder.

The US deal sees first delivery 2021

If Pfizer are saying no warp speed deal then does US have any deal with Pfizer?

My understanding is pharmaceutical grade logistics is completely separated from industrial/food grade cold storage. That norm is probably going to have to be bent for this effort.

I handled LN2 this morning, oddly enough.

Doesn’t preclude use of DPA to get vaccine doses earlier than that.

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I know we all hate watching videos. But really, the guy in charge of the entire operation talks about shipping at low temps: Inside the Operation Warp Speed effort to get Americans a COVID-19 vaccine - 60 Minutes - CBS News

It’s good. I promise. Actually there’s a transcript too that I just noticed lol.

On top of that, the Pfizer vaccine, which could be ready next month, has to be kept very cold until it is used.

Paul Ostrowski: Basically -80 degrees Celsius, which is 94 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Very cold.

Paul Ostroswki is a West Point graduate who retired from the Army this summer and became Perna’s civilian deputy.

Paul Ostrowski: We have to make sure that we send that particular vaccine to the right places, that either have that capacity or the ability to do the dry ice-- that we’ll need in order to keep it cold.

In the Warp Speed operations center, Marion Whicker, who came from making tanks for the Army, showed us the go/no-go board for what parts of the country are ready to handle an ultra-cold vaccine.

Marion Whicker: The Virgin Islands has already reported in that they don’t have ultra-cold freezers. That’s okay. And that they don’t have an ability to dry ice. But what we do know is that we can very quickly move dry ice from Puerto Rico.

David Martin: The more I hear you talk, the bigger this operation gets.

Marion Whicker: Absolutely, sir.

David Martin: It’s not just delivering vaccine.

Marion Whicker: No. We wish it was that easy.


Marty I’ve read your posts about the UK press. Imagine if it was 400% worse.

In a past life I worked in a micro lab and we’d get small shipments with dry ice. I was training someone new to the desk I was working. She emptied the handful of dry ice into the sink and turned the water on. It started to create a little gas cloud in the deep sink we had. I jokingly was like “omg what did you do”. She immediately started to freak out and yell like she had released a toxic gas throughout the lab. I let her go on for like 10 seconds til I couldn’t hold in laughing at her anymore. Apparently she had slept through that chem lecture.

Hey maybe the good news is that we could leverage the American military for the clearly humanitarian issue of managing the complex international logistics associated with this vaccine, making it more palatable later when we co-opt the military for other clearly humanitarian issues like rebuilding America’s infrastructure. Today, vaccines; tomorrow, INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK!


Poor Ben Carson. He’s no longer of use to Donny so you know he’s not getting that sweet, sweet Regeneron.


Which itself is serving these people garbage with no basis in reality. On a personal level I totally agree with you, but on a macro level I can’t even though it feels good. Feeling contempt for someone you want to sell something to is not a good approach.

Goddamit now we both have the same avatar. That’s going to endlessly confuse me.

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Eh. Idiocy isn’t a choice. You’re born with a certain amount of candle power and based on that certain arguments work better or worse with you.

I think it’s possible to lead idiots.