COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States government’s top infectious disease expert, said lingering Covid-19 symptoms last much longer than those from other viral syndromes like influenza.

Between 25% and 35% of Covid-19 patients have lingering symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sleep disturbances and “brain fog.”

““We do know for absolutely certain that there is a post Covid-19 syndrome – referred to sometimes as long Covid, chronic Covid, long haulers. It’s got different names,” Fauci said on Saturday during an event with the American Medical Association."

It’s unclear exactly how long symptoms can last, as the virus was discovered less than a year ago, but Fauci said symptoms have been observed for months after an initial infection.

My mother-in-law lives in Golden City/Lamar area. Her long time friend from High school’s family has been hit hard by Covid. She died yesterday. One of her sons thought covid was a hoax. The whole side of his family has covid. Spread to 43 cases and 3 deaths so far and he will die soon.

My brother is in Rogersville. He knows of a family that thought it was a hoax or overblown. 24 hospitalizations and 12 deaths so far.

I think we need to do some education in the rural areas of America. We can save lives.

More reports from chiefsplanet




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That guy is actually a liberal who came over to 2p2 for a bit I think.

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In Germany neither. It would be kidnapping.

fucking tragic.

edit: and I do mean that - not being sarky. People in power have lied and cheated and people have died.

what is wrong with you?


Being overly generous and giving the Chiefs Planet posters more than they deserve?

Well you did say you were not a good person.

No one deserves that.

No fuck that too. Those are real fucking people going through tragedy even if they are conservative. You’ve lost your humanity if you think that is a reasonable reaction to anyone but the most heinous people.

I’ve known a lot of people who died from covid. I’ve pronounced dozens myself. This isn’t some abstract thing to these people. You aren’t edgy and cool, you’re petty and calloused.


I agree. I am petty and calloused and I enjoy the suffering of my enemies. The funniest thing about the Trump presidency was when Herman Cain died.

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Your enemies huh… bud, this was some random dude on the internet. That’s some pathetic shit.


What I’ll remember most was his appearance on SNL

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You’re responding to a troll that for some reason is still allowed to post here. Pay no mind.

Update: started working out two weeks ago. Very low energy. Felt really weak.

Last week was much better and felt closer to 100%. I am noticing that I get winded easier. Not sure how much of it is mental.

I also went into the office for the first time Friday. Still masking up and distancing but I felt a lot less anxiety. Live poker is next (joke)


Have there been any discussions as to what potential affect this death toll will have demographics wise throughout the country? It won’t be too long before we hit 1% of the US population wiped out by this thing. I would guess that that is going to have significant effects in places that are hardest hit but I have no idea what they would be.

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When exactly do you see this happening? That’s about 3.3 million dead from COVID.

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When you live in a city in an age of repeated terror threats you soon get used to being locked inside public buildings and having no say in it.

Americans have no idea how lucky they are.

Or rather, how lucky they were.

Oh shit, doh, I was thinking ~300k was the 1% range, missed a decimal. Disregard!

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