COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

That’s what I’ve been saying all along. If surgical masks provide better protection in a medical environment, then they provide better protection everywhere. There is nothing magical about a medical environment. The difference is the frequency of close contacts. And while they are less common in a non-medical environment, then can still happen, and when they do the surgical mask is more protective.

Unless their preference is to have inferior protection I don’t see why anyone would choose the cloth over surgical mask. The only reason to choose cloth is if you can’t get a surgical mask for some reason (availability, expense, etc.). This was a problem early in the pandemic, but is generally not a problem now.

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The whole store of people stayed locked up for 20 minutes?!?!?!? That shit would not fly in the USA. People would get shot. Window would be busted. Lawyers would be suing. But, really a private security guard would never ever ever imagine that they had the authority to do that.


In the USA the security guard would drag the shoplifter off to a back office and hold them for police there, so they would never have to lock the front door.

Shoplifters aren’t generally held and usually are just banned from the store. Maybe that’s just in criminal dystopias like Cali though. That’s what I’ve seen from the dumb people I or my children have known who have shoplifted and been caught. But, anyway, they would never detain a whole store full of people.


I’m not the man Johnny is. I tried wearing this in public once and didn’t last 5 minutes.


Mental discomfort or physical?

Mental discomfort. It’s comfortable enough and I’ve worn masks like that for working.

I will say though, this mask doesn’t really do much for protecting anyone from my germs. Your outgoing breath goes out the middle part unfiltered. Big droplets would get blocked, so it’s not nothing, but you’d have to add something to it to make it work both ways.

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

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Probably gonna shoot up even further with the election.

Same thing happened in the CR.

Speaking of which it appears that the CR’s wave has reached its peak. Taking a long time to drop but it hasn’t become worse than it is now.

Once the hotspot of covid, Prague now has the lowest number of active covid infections per capita in the country.

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Yeah, that’s the main reason I don’t get one. I guess Johnny’s idea of putting a surgical mask over the outlets would probably help. It would seem like someone should be manufacturing something like that now. There is a chance I might actually have to get on a plane sometime next year. I might get one of those and do Johnny’s surgical mask add on.

The reason I got it was for a plane ride. Apparently the plane itself isn’t that dangerous. Air is circulated frequently and the supposed proof is that flight attendants haven’t been getting covid more than the general population. But…anyway, I tried to wear the N95 with a vent in it and they wouldn’t let me. Also, that crazy mask being in my bag got me searched and they did one of those chemical swabs on the mask. Maybe they let you double up the N95 with a surgical mask, maybe you need to put the N95 in your pocked and put it on when you get to your seat.

Pretty standard that they get a trespass order, and are let go. This is from my experience in the grocery business in a Texas.

Fuck Alex trebek died

Rookies, I go out with this bad boy with the ctcf50 canister on


But in all seriousness my favorite local dry cleaner makes their own cloth masks in a couple different styles so I just got those from her, very comfy and good enough for quick stops (gas station and things like that). But haven’t been much in public recently and me and a few friends each take turns going to get groceries for our group

Also my dad has finally started taking covid more seriously because one of his good friends back home died from it (late 40s guy who was very overweight and probably had some other factors that didn’t do him any good)

Security guards are specifically taught to not have physical altercations with people because they can sue. At least in CA. Brother in law was one and I knew a couple of his friends. You would get fired if you ever laid hands on anybody.

We were locked in for maybe ten, then ten minutes of spaced exits. I could have left earlier if I wanted to insert myself closer to the ruckus.

It wasn’t sold as us all being detained, he said that it was simply that he couldn’t open the door for fear that she’d leg it, and that the problem was one we had with her behaviour. The argument was mainly about her needung to step back, but she claimed she had every right to leave. Shoppers originally joined that argument on both sides, until a few ‘we need to leave whatever’ people spoke up, but the thing that cracked was the woman stepping back.

It makes no difference in reality, but that first explanation would be closer to the way most people would interpret it here, I think, rather than security guard locks up a shop full of people. Certainly at least for the first ten minutes or so.

It’s a situation I would not expect in the UK, mostly as I would handicap it at less than 50% that she had been stealing. I think if she’d responded not angrily initially then nothing would have come of it, but it’s no surprise she did go that route.

Overachiever Gupta said there was a plane ride in Ireland that turned into a mini-superspreader event. It’s seems like just luck of the draw. Maybe 1 in 1000 plane rides you get a person actively superspreading?

Maybe less then.

Correct as of 2019… 2020 not so much

Ya’ll missing the point though - if you’re travelling distances by plane, you could be spreading it (unless you had 2x tests at least 5 days apart prior to departure)

I mean who cares if ‘you’ catch it on the plane, ‘you’ took the risk (not you JT)