COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Timing couldn’t have been more perfect , brother wanted to have a birthday dinner for my mom at his place tomorrow only 6 of us all together but wasn’t to keen on it but now I got the easy out.

By the way JT a belated welcome to BC as I’m more a lurker than poster.


Basically just a snippet of an antibody. It sounds like they can be manufactured in large batches and even more importantly, can be stable stored at room temperature.

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I thought the blue meant something special. The masks they give me at the Dr. are clearly better quality than the Chinese masks I got off Amazon just before you couldn’t get any.

But as I have learned, they’re all 3-ply.

Remember guise we need to be charitable to trumpers. They have completely legitimate and not at all racist concerns about our country.



Indiana literally said a record number of cases today too.

My county, Tarrant County (Fort Worth) crushed their record with 1062 cases. I have not been on top of it, but previously we were seeing 600-700 at peak.

It is upon us and this shit is going to get real dark real fast. Stay safe.


ND already had an outbreak and the spectators were students only. Go Go herd immunity!

I just cannot fathom the idea that professional sports are fully open for business right now. I love me the football, but this is madness.


It can be done sort of safely. It’s college football that is really just screwing the pooch right now.

No way 1-ply is that high a % other than people who wear bandanas or gaiters or something homemade

Most people wear cloth masks with ear loops that they bought online and they usually are multi-ply. Searching amazon for “cloth mask” the first handful of masks are all 3-ply and when I see masks at gas stations and grocery stores around here they are at least 2 ply.

I don’t know. I see a lot of cheap cloth ones or surgical ones around. Nevertheless, the highest quality evidence (i.e. randomized trial), shows that multi-ply cloth masks were inferior to surgical masks. Here’s the study:

This article was cited in the last link that I posted. And according to the last link, this is the only head to head trial that has been done. So, I don’t know how you can conclude that cloth masks are just as good.

This study did 3 ply surgical vs 2 ply cloth. Do you know of any randomized trials of 3 ply surgical vs 3 ply cloth.

Gonna disagree about pro sports being safe. Around 10% of teams have a double digit outbreak.


Work is cool as hell but I’m skeptical of this functioning as intended in a human or even animal host.

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I forgot to welcome you back to the civilisation of the Commonwealth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pro sports are completely fine when done right. See NBA and NHL.

Baseball could have easily done the same thing but instead allows an actual pozzed player back on the field. NFL was never going to stop and I’m genuinely surprised there haven’t been more.

It’s really all about leadership and how an organization wants to behave.

Dodgers up to 9 poz. You know, a full baseball team.

I’m sure surgical is better than cloth, but I’m just arguing that multi-ply cloth is good enough for normal people during covid, while that study is for medical workers.

Medical workers should be wearing surgical masks or better. Everyone else multi-ply cloth or surgical, depending on preference.