COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I just checked. I guess I had 3-ply all along. But they’re not as good as the blue ones I get at the doctor.

Is a 1-ply surgical cloth mask a thing you can buy? Or did Gupta basically just mean a bandana?

I think he meant bandana / cloth facial covering - some of those aren’t fitting the guys celebrating the election results too well. At least if they’re not homemade, they’ll be roughly the right shape and design so more likely to do the job IMO

I’m shocked you didn’t now. I mean we had all sorts of discussions on masks and droplet sizes in past COVID threads. And you have been more obsessed with this topic than most. Cloth masks, while better than nothing, are kind of shit these days when surgical masks aren’t that hard to get.

I was confused about what 1-play cloth masks meant. I thought those were the cheapie surgical masks like I have. But I have confirmed those are 3-ply.

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Same situation in Austria. Reported ~8241 cases today. That’s the equivalent of the 300k/day in the US. The peak active cases in the first wave were ~9300.
Europe dun goofed.

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Czech Republic bro

Another day in North Dakota with over 0.2% of the State’s population testing positive for Covid. 1,602 new cases in a state population of approximately 762k. On pace to reach 10% of states population confirmed positive by November 22nd.

So if I get pozzed in the next week or so I might enter myself for a most infuriating way to get COVID award.

It was my turn for the food run, we’ve been doing it every few weeks since March. We’re back in lockdown here (Paris, France), but shops are open fine. Everything seemed normal until I hit the queue, which was long (5 people, when there’s usually 1 or none).

As I’m waiting I realise there’s a commotion at the door. Seems some woman was stopped by security and has stuff in her bag she hasn’t paid for. She claims they’re from a different shop but has no receipt. She went from zero to really angry immediately and her and the security guard get into it. This is par for the course here, Parisians absolutely love to argue in public, but in this situation it quickly escalated to her saying “call the cops” as a tactic and the security guard calling the cops.

At that point she says she’s leaving, he tries to stop her, she shrugs him off and he locks the only door. I’m still one from the front of the queue but it quickly becomes clear that the guard has locked the shop and isn’t opening till the filth arrive.

Cue 20 minutes of free form arguing from the guard, the accused, cashiers and various shoppers taking one side or another. By the time I pay it’s a total shit show so I retreat to the back of the shop and hope for the best. Obviously the pressure on the guard builds and builds until he starts letting customers out one by one, but only when the woman retreats from the door which she does only periodically as her and her allies continue their part in the rhetorical assault.

Amusingly there was one other person there who didn’t join in the nonsense. At least there’s a single fellow sane person, I thought. She was one ahead of me to leave, but as the door opened for her she turned and at that moment decided to give the alleged shoplifter a piece of her mind. Seriously, Parisians have never met an argument they don’t want to be involved in. These people!

So, about 20 extra minutes in a closed space with people shouting all over the place. Fuck me.


1-ply cloth masks means it’s literally one piece of cloth, either cut into mask shape or just like a bandana or neck gaiter.

2±ply cloth masks are 2 or more cloths sewn together. These are the vast majority of masks you will buy; only the very cheapest are 1-ply.

These are perfectly good for covid. That’s why the study says “1-ply cloth masks.” Buy cloth masks that are at least 2 layer and you are fine.

This is incorrect

As long as they aren’t 1-ply cloth masks, they are just as good for covid. Not “kind of shit.”

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1-ply is like 95% probably more of the cloth masks people actually wear. That’s default when people say “cloth”. Just like 3-ply is the default when people say surgical mask.

Edit: There are some very specific cloth masks one could buy that probably approach surgical mask. So, I’ll give you that “kind of shit” was a bit hyperbolic if we’re talking about those specifically. Most of the cloth masks I see in the wild look homemade or similar (or a bandana or something like that).

Edit2: Here’s a link,designed%20and%20used%20correctly.

I’m waiting for my takeout order at a Japanese restaurant and not only are they letting people in without masks (lots of people are wearing masks), but there are actually customers sitting around the hibachi tables. Wtf

We are not trending in the right direction and I’m not optimistic this will change anytime soon.

Also the local health unit announced our biggest jump in cases since April. There is a case at a school 3 blocks from me which I hope is contained to the single positive case and hasn’t spread.

Sigh and just now I’ve read that there are 2 more cases at a another nearby school.

Relax guys the election is over it will all go away

Lol, who the fuck is this

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That sounds extreme. You might want to relax.

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Cry more, Nazi.


Some news on the treatment front.

Excuse me sir, did I step out of line?

Sounds promising.

Dafuq is a “nanobody”. A really tiny antibody? The Trump hands of antibodies?

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