COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Not to mention his point isn’t even based in reality. 90,000 people age 35-74 have already died from Covid in the US per the CDC with plenty more to come. Not to mention the people who have recovered with permanent injury and reduced lifespan.

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Yup confirmed. Economist adjacent.

Pardon if ponied, having trouble keeping up this week.

Five Dodgers poz. No punishment for Turner.

Fire Manfred for this alone. MLB is hot garbage. Can’t stand K/BB/HR dominant baseball.

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Yes we are scared. It’s a scary time.

Lining up the nominees this morning


Wow. Upper/Middle of country is just blown up. 20/1000 means 2% of the population has pozzed in the last two weeks.

States that are below 3 (my threshold for "bad) and not climbing strongly:

CA DE GA HI LA SC VA VT Thats it maybe SC shouldn’t be on the list at 2.8.

What the hell is going on in the Dakotas?

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Sturgis plus cold weather plus completely incompetent leadership. Both governors are essentially Covid denialists. They are both closing in on .1% of their population dead now with no end in sight.

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Gaetz is 100% on the short list of worst republicans currently infecting our system. I just checked my eyes, and yep, no tears.


Michigan. Yuck.

I have friends who’ve had it and it put some of them out of commission for a month; one my age (low 30’s) had very severe symptoms. Maybe I don’t want to be lying in bed for a month without income. I also don’t have health insurance, so if I needed to be hospitalized I’d be instantly put into debt. Another friend’s aunt died of covid. ITT we learned that people who don’t die still might experience long-term effects including an 8-point drop in IQ, or being out of breath from simple things.

So yes, I respect covid because I value my health and I’m not an idiot. Avoiding it is as simple as wearing a mask in public until the vaccine comes. I’m not afraid of a car accident every time I drive, but I respect the possibility and wear a seatbelt.


How many people will die celebrating Trump’s loss?

Update on my Dad. He gradually got better and sounds really good as of yesterday.

So I guess not Covid. He still won’t get tested to be sure. All I can think of if he did that he got a really low dose.


This guy missed out on the Wookie first post bonanza.

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France has recorded 60,486 coronavirus cases in one day, its highest one-day total since the pandemic began.

A further 828 deaths were confirmed on Friday. Almost 40,000 people have now died from the virus in the country.

France is one week into a second lockdown with the aim of curbing the spread of the virus.

Under the lockdown restrictions, expected to be in place until 1 December, people can only leave their homes to go to work (if they cannot work from home), to buy essential goods, seek medical help or to exercise for one hour a day.

France pop. ~67m.

Are you comparing a low population state or two’s average with a country’s average? This would be like the US reporting 300,000 cases in a day.

Still 130k+ infections a day should see US batting a 1,600 daily death average in 4 weeks time - Let’s hope those theraputics / treatment improvements are better than Euro’s

I wonder how many extra US citizens have to die before Biden can make a difference? I mean roll on January 2021 but it’s gonna be too late by then

Maybe I can see why Bob_Salmon doesn’t think it’s real - Covid’s already well embedded before winter arrives in the US, this year - this winter will be very different Bob. Might overtake heart disease with ease

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Its open enrollment time. Please consider getting health insurance. Under ACA its more affordable than you might think depending on your income level. You may try contacting a local insurance company or an agent that sells health insurance. You’ll feel better when you’re covered.

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Not sure if serious.

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Yes and I have no idea if you’re flabbergasted I didn’t know this or you don’t believe it.

3 ply vs 1 ply

Surgical vs Tissue (paper towel)

blue one’s with a metal strip that you can bend round your nose (if you wear it the right way up) vs bandana or t-shirt

Need to lose the chin minge with a surgical though Suzza