COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I didn’t do SLC. But Provo was maskless - which being a college town you’d think would be more cautious. And Cedar City and every other little podunk down I went through.

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Man, more than a handful of these morons think that Barack didnt do enough to stop 9/11 or help with hurricane katrina. 3 months ain’t gonna do shit


It’s 3 less months of blaming Biden. If Biden takes over in the worst darkest part of winter, people may be slightly more amenable to his message of: “Hey, here’s a crazy idea. Let’s listen to scientists.”

Cedar City yeah, I can see it. Provo I would think would mostly have their shit together but generally the further from SLC you go, the less that would be the case.

I shouldn’t have said someone dying while waiting for a test was “not uncommon” but with I don’t know how many locations across the country, maybe “not unheard of” would be accurate.

That’s what I’m saying. They arent tethered to reality. They dont give a damn about 3 months. They are ALREADY getting ready to blame him for shit that has already happened

They’re not going to blame him until he’s in office.

You either got more faith than me or pay less attention than me


Everything will immediately become his fault a day after inauguration. But they’re not so crazy to blame him for stuff now. Most of them. Mostly.

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Yeah but that was 99% performative nonsense. I’m talking about the majority of right-wingers truly believing Biden has screwed everything up.

I saw it happen with my moderate R high-info cousin. He said he gave Obama an honest chance. But after a month he’d seen enough lol. I believe ebola was one of the reasons. And some other shit that no one even remembers now. Not only that - he was convinced even Democrats had already turned on Obama. After one month.

He hates Trump btw and I think has realized FoxNews is completely FOS. Incremental progress.

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Ethical skeptic has some competition. No regime change on the second derivative curve. Game changer!

Overachiever Gupta on MSNBC said something I hadn’t heard before - the blue 3-ply surgical masks are considered better than 1-ply cloth masks. I just ordered 50.

Yeah 1-ply cloth masks suck

But you should have been buying 2-ply cloth masks for the past 6 months. They are like $5

I have a box of 100 of something I got right before the initial mask shortage - I dunno what. But I liked when I go to the Dr. and they give me the nice blue mask.

Usa 7dma is now 101798. The scary thing is that the 7dma graph is actually getting steeper day by day. We are nowhere near the peak of this wave most likely.

We’re sorry too.


70 million people just voted for open for business. Endless more young people who didn’t vote but also don’t care about the virus because they don’t see it as a threat.

Just seeing what my friends are up too, everyones over covid. I mean I still got a stronghold of smart friends taking precautions, but like 70% are full on yolo

Is this a troll account? A first time poster that receives no likes. That’s one way to do it

When mrs jal sees your posts she says “Oh that dog in the dressing gown again”. :rofl:

Just for you, and NOT screechy

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Cmon guys don’t be so hasty. Let’s hear this new friend out about how this freshly discovered disease that, over the course of some months since it’s discovery, is closing the gap on heart disease deaths per day is no big deal.

I think we are all forgetting that we can only be concerned and take action against the thing that kills the MOST people per day. The second or third most things are just silly nuisances that should obviously be disregarded.