COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

And how much money do you need to make to be considered “rich”. Think about it!

Dammit I knew I was forgetting the biggest one.


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120k per day and rising. We are so fucked.


Is the stress of making these decisions overwhelming, or do you get somewhat comfortable with making informed decisions and not being results oriented?

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That… is a really hard question to answer.

I think the answer is both are true. The intellectual side of you makes those informed not results oriented. The biggest thing for me on this case wasn’t the decision of what was right to do, it was taking on the responsibility if I was wrong.

But if you have a few cases go sideways, it’s impossible to not let that affect you at all. In this case, it affected me in a positive way. However, it can absolutely get you in a negative way too. For example, if you have a bad outcome from a rare disease, you’ll be more likely to test for that in the future, even if that causes more harm than good long term.

That’s a hell of a question, and a lot to think on.


Yikes. In NYC, just walked by a small restaurant that was hosting a wedding reception. Fully indoors, full capacity, no masks, no distancing.

First time I’ve witnesses that personally since this all started.

Take a mental picture because the numbers in NY are going sideways and it won’t be long before we are back in the gulag.

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I am literally afraid to update my states spreadsheet. How this country gave 70 million votes to the monster. Jfc.


Word is Mark Meadows has Covid. Not sure if my pony is out front this time.


You beat me.

Ladies and gents our latest deserving nominee


Maybe not that uncommon, but it seems like the covid shit is hitting the fan in Utah. No update on the truck crashing into the trailer at the testing center from yesterday.

A 71-year-old man was found dead in the parking lot on Sunday while waiting for a COVID-19 test at the Intermountain Healthcare clinic in North Ogden.

That’s definitely uncommon jhmfc

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I know this thing isn’t Captain Trips but that is spooky.

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republicans–pains were taken so everyone could get pozzed

democrats–take pains to not get everyone pozzed

voters in the election–tough decision it’s really close



I can confirm Utah was NOT taking any of it seriously a few months ago. No masks anywhere except Moab.

Waafy thought but this can turn from hoax/not worse than flu to deep state plot to depopulate red America on a dime. Ironically what would be stopping that a bit is 3 months of the lame duck when they can’t blame Biden just yet, although some will assuredly try.

Yep - thinking the same thing. The lame duck will delay the blaming of Biden until at least midway through winter. Much better than if they could start blaming him now.

My sister drove up from AZ to visit last month and she observed the same thing, but masks have been required most places in the SLC area for quite a while. I haven’t been out in the sticks recently. Only been to Moab once. It may be similar in culture to Park City (wealthy).

Jfc this is exactly how The Stand started