COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Aha :) US in the shit then.

All those EU countries locked down weeks ago (UK lockdown v2.0 today)

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I mean US overall is lagging a bunch of European countries but the midwest and northern states in the US are getting absolutely ravaged.


Does it count as being ravaged if the people being ravaged don’t care and actually sort of enjoy being ravaged? Just asking for a friend.

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holy shit

I’ve had a sore throat the past couple days so I thought I’d get a test tonight and the place by me has met their testing capacity for the day wtf?

dying to trigger the libs wasn’t meant to be literal guys

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Almost had a 20 something die on me yesterday from covid. Took a risk, assumed she had a blood clot based on limited info and gave a big clot busting drug based on that assumption. She got better, didn’t tube her. Doing better now.

Would have never done that in March. Chalking that up as a big win.

But what the fuck at these numbers.


So could I take some baby aspirin and scoot by with mild side effects in the case I get pozzed? :sweat_smile:

When I was getting tested if you didn’t have it done by 10 a.m. they were usually out.

What a country

Easily going over 130k today could hit 140K. Hopefully people start modifying their behavior so we can slow this thing down.

My state issued a travel advisory for any state that has a positivity rate over 10% which I believe is the entire Midwest at this point.

pot-committed to purging the voter rolls for '22 at any cost.

not medical advice, but i’d start aspirin for myself if i got pozzed


ND hit an absurd 1,765 today. That would be equivalent to 6,747 in your KS example. Equivalent to 760k cases in the US. At their current rate they will likely hit 10% of their population confirmed positive within the next two weeks. Who knows what the real number is. Would not be surprised to see them eventually takeover top death rate per 1M in the US, possibly late November/early December if they don’t get this under control.

We are 6 days into November and North Dakota has already had 1% of their state population test positive for Covid this month.

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A county near me had 100 cases in a day with a population of 40,000. Like, 0.25 percent of the county in a day is bad right?

So yeah about like North Dakota.

Thanks for continuing posting about this. I assume it’s the last thing you want to talk about after long shifts. It’s much appreciated though.


Guys Biden won, Trump lost. We can stop pretending. It’s party time! Gotta run my table at Benehana is ready.


Nah, let’s fight among ourselves for a little while longer and then have another miserable night of sleep. We are very smart.

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It’s go time then!

Trump’s IQ was over 100 at one point
Captain Beefheart sucks
Avengers was boring
Reese’s Pieces GOAT candy
Hot dog is not a sandwich

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