COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You truly are a piece of shit.

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Over 100k on Sunday, typically the lowest day of the week. Thank you, working hard.

We’re like 9 months in.

I’m feeling really bad about this in early April, even in July. In November? Not as much. The deplorable family coming to grips with a deadly pandemic that they laughed at while my kids rub the color off their legos? Fuck that. Fuck them, die quick, don’t spread it.

Oh you went and buried a truckload of landmines in the city park and blew your leg off? Thought and prayers…

Maybe the more appropriate response for these 12 is “thank you for your loss”. It might in some way save someone that deserves it. I hope it does.

Sort of shocking how bad this is getting. Week over week numbers are up 20-40k each day. If this pace continues, we’ll be looking at 300k cases a day by early December. Terrifying.

Gosh golly gee. We all itt said that if OFB and OFS it would be a disaster. Lots of science bros and sisses told the general public.
Like it’s a big shock that a nasty respiratory virus had an even bigger spike in the fall.

It’s like it happened before or something.

We are just so effin stupid. People just accept this as the new normal and it’s effin insane.


My wife is starting to see travel icu nurse positions paying $120-$150/hr pop up all over. We are fucked and 99% of people just haven’t realized it yet. We are going to run out of staff very very soon.

It’s either that or hospital corporations are feeling charitable all of a sudden.


You want to be a science denying moron

Have fun when your entire family gets covid and dies

Fuck them.

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I’m editing my post here on the assumption that I’m missing some joke/sarcasm.

No you can put it back

I’m tired of being belittled by science denying morons that tell me to live my hermit life and only 0.5% of people die and it’s only old people

I’m doing all I can to educate people and my family hasn’t left the house other than work in Months

I’m not sorry they are dying. They are aggressively arrogantly wrong and fuck them.

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In tales from the OKC covid front lines I have another gem. My law partner’s wife decided she needed to get back in the gym. He isn’t ok with it but it isn’t really his choice. He and I ramp up precautions at the office to max.

Fast forward a month and apparently the whole gym got pozzed. It was one of those combo weight loss/get in shape challenge deals where it is basically the same group day after day that works out together. About two weeks ago we had a major ice storm here and her mom who is getting radiation treatment comes to stay with her bc no power. Right about then the entire group gets pozzed, takes it home to all of their family including several elderly people because the dipshit gym owner did not tell everyone once the outbreak happened AND THEY KEPT HAVING CLASSES FOR A WEEK AFTER. Wife is negative but only bc of the ice storm and doing the classes from home bc of her mom. Multiple people are now in the hospital.

I’m sorry but that should be criminal. It’s exactly why letting Mitch get away with the liability shield shit is not a good idea.


No, I still misread your post. I read it as you saying that to CaffeineNeeded. Now I see it was all addressed to the dead people.

The pro sports that worked were exactly the two that had hard bubbles.

The rest are just playing Russian roulette with a 1,000 shot revolver. The problem is that they are taking thousands of spins.

And college is an effin disaster. It’s just a matter of time before they have to shut down or just say “next man up” when some fat lineman dies. At least pro players are getting paid and have representation.

I’m a fucking insane gym rat person. I go to probably 200 workout classes per year. The timing of COVID was extremely lucky from that perspective; I’ve been able to bike and run and hike like crazy this summer.

But there’s just no way I can justify going back, now that the weather is turning and outdoor stuff is more of a challenge. If I have to get completely out of shape for a winter, so be it. No gym until vaccine; it’s that freaking simple.

It sucks. I know a lot of the people in the Atlanta fitness community. There are some great businesses, some black owned businesses that have a much more loyal following than the national chains, and I love supporting them. But there’s just no way that opening can be responsible or safe right now. It’s just not possible.


Easy thing to say behind a computer screen pretending to be hard

@TheHip41. Could you give us a serious not sarcastic response and make clear what you are saying and to whom?

Thank you

NFL playing tonight in front of 15k fans in Florida, and those numbers are going to do nothing but increase. It’s clearly working out for some…

I remember in March, it was clear as day the death toll would be 200k minimum by year end and we all said as much in this thread. The assumption was that body count would spark widespread outrage, and we are a pretty cynical bunch. This is sickening and devastating and massively tragic and most of America simply doesn’t care.


Lock of the century is that the inevitable surge will be blamed on celebrations of Trump losing.

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I’m as convinced or even more so today as I was back in the Spring that we needed to jump at least an order of magnitude before people cared.

They didn’t care at 50k cases per day, and they definitely still don’t care (or maybe even care less) at 130k per day. A thousand deaths a day doesn’t register; a mere nuisance keeping people having to make some vaguely onerous changes to their lifestyles.

It will take millions dead, so many that each and every person is guaranteed to have experienced a close relative’s demise to prompt anything more than token “lockdowns” that are hardly that. To us, a lockdown means going to the grocery store 3x a week begrudgingly wearing a mask.

Will this wave crest before we see tens of thousands of deaths per day? Before we see a million cases per day or more? I sure as hell hope so, because the die has been cast.

So much has been baked in already. If nothing happens before thanksgiving I think a doubling is locked and another on top of that likely. Yup over 400k per day. We won’t see that in the numbers. Just 200s with a high national pos rate.