COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m hoping once the election is called and a The dust settles that places like Michigan will be going back on lockdown again

No way to avoid it at this point.

TX will be the first state to pass 1 million cases today, congrats you guys deserve it!


Unfortunately we really do.

FUCK… :pensive:

I have the Flu or may have the rona, took all day of with hot & cold sweats today & yesterday, not slept much in 2 days, tossing and turning with the Hot/cold sweats changing clothes as I need to + a dose of the runs. :grimacing:

I can still taste and stuff so may not be & I always get something this time of year doing my job.

I also had a heavy chest at the weekend and I’ve not felt so good since Monday, the worst night was last night, hoping tonight is better and I get a sleep with the night nurse.

I’ll isolate for 2 weeks from Tuesday last as I’ve not been at work since Monday… Told the work and alls good except having to pay a for a full weeks radio. :grin:

Brothers on the way with some supplies to help, paracetamol & warm soup… I’ll take some Night Nurse later to help me sleep.


For anyone having trouble sleeping because of cough, Mucinex Fast Max Extreme was a lifesaver for me last February


jfc take all precautions, drink gallons of water and rest dude. Keep us updated please.

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Today in things we don’t need, apparent accident with injuries at a covid testing site in Utah.

Illinois popping a nearly 10k case day, Florida with 6500 which is the largest in months, Oklahoma with an all time high of 2100, Indiana with 4400 which is an all time high, Minnesota with 4000ish which is an all time high, Iowa with 4000ish which is an all time high, both of the Dakotas still with absolutely absurd totals day after day. JFC.

125,000 today is definitely possible. (WM)

accident or ???

i’m afraid to update my state 14 day sum chart.

Tests are probably down this week with people voting and stuff

TIL Montana is in the Midwest


BBC reporters always have interesting ideas about where the Midwest is.

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Montana kind of is in the middle of the west.


If we’re honest, in 2 weeks the precise longitude of Montana ain’t going to matter too much…

‘Daily covid infection record, again, but is Montana in the middle of it?’

No update yet. Driver may have had a “medical episode”. Maybe he sneezed violently and hit the gas?

New record in Washington as well.

Washington sets record for daily coronavirus cases

Washington set a daily record for new coronavirus cases with 1,469 infections tallied on Tuesday, totaling 111,480 cases in the state.

Sixteen new deaths from Tuesday were also confirmed, bringing the total to 2,416, according to the state Department of Health (DOH). At least 8,735 people have been hospitalized in the state due to the virus.

The previous record for confirmed cases of the new coronavirus was set July 16, when state health officials reported 1,267 new cases, along with six deaths.

An Associated Press analysis reveals that in 376 counties with the highest number of new cases per capita, the overwhelming majority — 93% of those counties — went for Trump, a rate above other less severely hit areas. Most were rural areas in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin.

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I was told Covid would disappear on November 4th! Wtf happened?

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