COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Czech Republic ‘rounding the corner’

Will this mean lower costs on mink-fur lined men’s briefs? Asking for a friend.


This must be fake news. Rand Paul told me that Sweden has achieved herd immunity. And Rand Paul is a doctor. Sort of a doctor anyway

Alberta had a case of H1N1 swine flu yesterday. Because of course. It’s 2020.

new record for cases today…on a Wednesday. If testing can sustain it 200k cases a day om the first or 2nd Friday in December

100k today?

Biden dropping the ball already!



Theyre already over 100 with 3 hours left

Wrong thread dammit oh well it already has two likes.

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I have not read this yet.

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There is an increase in testing in the CR and a slow decrease in the percentage of positive tests.

What has decreased dramatically is the number of cases per 100,000 in Prague in the last 7 days. A month ago it was the most infected place in the country and because people follow the restrictions here it is now the least infected place per capita. Goes to show what happens when people follow the rules. Now the most infected places are rural areas where people are stupid and don’t give a fuck.


I think we see maybe 500 new cases wed-sat. Maybe not, Saturday reporting can be kind of light.

Week over week hospitalizations are up 15% to 52,000.
At that rate it doubles monthly. So without any policy changes we are 200k hospitalized by Christmas.

5K daily deaths.

Trump will still be trying to overturn election results in complete denial about the pandemic.

Maybe we don’t there. Behaviors tend to change when things get really bad.

108k, thinking week over week Friday is close to 130k

My state in Australia has reported no cases of community transmission in 6 days.

Took the opportunity to give my dad a hug for the first time since March.

Today was a good day.


The upturn started a little later than predicted, but the curve shapes are holding.

Note this is the more optimistic model with a new lockdown. The other one is just effin depressing.


My wife’s school district is now at 13.4% positivity rate. If this sustains for 2 weeks then they go full virtual. Seems like a lock.

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I know we have all been distracted by the election the last week or so but the Covid numbers are really alarming. Now we are starting to see the death rate tick up. I probably need to page the narrator here but I don’t see how state and local governments don’t try and take action soon or this is going to get really out of hand.