COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

That is fucking grim.

Meh. Depends. Some people throw a clot, immediately go unconscious and die. Others take more time.

A fine nominee


oh that sucks, if only he could have covered up his test for one day mooooooore

Ontario setting new records which means it’s time to open up business.

I guess the only good thing you can say about this election is that it took my mind off of widespread unchecked contagion for a while!


How has AZ reported +1% of votes in like 4 hours?

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Living with children is not linked to a greater risk of severe coronavirus in adults, a study has found.

It looked at data on nine million adults under 65 between February and August, comparing the risks to those living with and without children.

Sharing a house with under-18s did not increase the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from Covid.

Scientists who worked on the study said it showed “no net harm in kids coming back to the house from school”.

Kids werent in school between February and August

Kids were in school in the rest of the world, where the study was conducted

oh good god i’m in no mood for this stupid bullshit. no, that study doesn’t support your case or the quote from the scientist in it.

stop posting media reports of unpublished studies to push a narrative that doesn’t follow basic germ theory.


The researchers, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the University of Oxford, found adults living with very young or primary-school-age children had no increased risk of Covid-19 infection or a related hospital admission.

I’m gonna err on the side of the professionals, not the angry guy on the internet

"The study, which has not yet been published in a journal, looked at what happened between February and August and so straddled the period when schools were fully open as well as the time after 20 March when they were closed to all but a few children.

It also spanned the summer holidays, though not the reopening of schools in September."

Cmon man, they are talking about schools being open in February and Mid March. The virus was not rampant at that point

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You’ll err on the side you wish to find, ignoring all evidence elsewhere. You should do PR work for Exxon Mobil

Surprised Oklahoma didn’t think of this first:


Yesterday’s numbers were 20% lower than the previous Tuesday in the Czech Republic.

Unfortunately, this is the stage where people who got it bad during this massive wave die in large numbers. More than half of the covid deaths in the Czech Republic have occurred in the past 2 weeks.


That sucks Bob. At least we in the US have a big denominator already. :angry:

I mean given how huge the second wave is here, it’s unsurprising to see so many people (hitting around 150/day) die compared to the first.

Has anyone run a 21 or 28 day offset cfr on CR?