COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Fake news? Based on everything coming out of the US is BS these days and India not yet having that reputation.

How does the US class a covid death? I expect a nurse to know this

So based on basically nothing, got it.


Based on ‘the whole of India’ not be a slum - you’re just like Trump and the shithole countries

Maybe travel a little - you know, broaden your mind

Usually when you put something in quotation marks it was said by someone. Maybe if you were a bit more knowledgable you wouldn’t have to resort to making up quotes and projection about being like Trump.

churchill - Indians not overly recognised at being an ‘at risk group’
churchill - article from reputable news source questioning India’s low death rate
brainneeded - it’s a slum, can’t be counting properly, must be fake news
churchill - whole of India is a slum? twat ITT
brainneeded - projection, go get some knowledge whilst calling ‘inverted’ commas “quotation marks” and seeing an article on India and then referring to slums

The only saving grace is in 30 days you’ll literally be too tired to post

Sorry Winnie. Two weeks in the penalty box.

I mean, the article itself cites poor hygiene and lack of clean drinking water…

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Yeah, and I’m sure all the folks @ Kim’s island bask really took that pre party quarantine seriously… f’ing celebrity super spreaders, man.

I thought it was known way back India was under counting.


Well, your second attempt at a sick burnz post wasn’t much better than the first.

They def don’t think they need to live by the same rules as the commoners.

The committee does NOT approve. Dammit. The idiocy of this country.

Fuck, this isn’t to far from me.

Good effort Sweden.

It’s a rare day when Sweden has more restrictions in place than the US

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Jfc. Another for team covid and it’s deniers.

Yeah OFS


Doesn’t seem to be any evidence these 2 deaths were cases of Covid contracted at school.

Both sad obviously, 2nd example wasn’t even admitted to a hospital. 1st young chap’s Mother also positive, no dorm required.

OMG a 30yr old died and OFB?

2 cases is more than enough but hardly no evidence showing OFS was the cause (kids aren’t dropping like flies in the ROW where schools have been open months longer and cases are higher)

Jesus, this fucking statement

She “passed peacefully in her dorm room?” She was 20 fucking years old with no priors. In no universe would any sane person consider that a peaceful death.

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Eh I mean her parents are still in complete shock. It probably makes them feel a tiny bit better to think she didn’t die in a panic gasping for air with no one around to help.


Yeah I get it, it was just super jarring to me. From what I know of pulmonary embolisms, they are far from pleasant.