COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Sorry to hear that, hope she’s able to pull through quickly.

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I pegged it at less than 5% but wasn’t sure if I was just being optimistic because of course I’m hoping she doesn’t get pozzed.


Good luck to your aunt.

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He apparently helped a lady friend move and she called a couple days later and said she was pozz, looks like he dodged it though.

Also my trumper mom has no idea that we are hitting record cases right now, before I told her we were, she was “hoping” the winter wasn’t going to be bad covid wise.

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It’s not too bad.

Still scary.

Semi-violent direct action?

No sir. Run for school board office and slowly climb the political ranks in your local community, eventually making it to state senator and finally winning the presidency at age ~75.

Then, you’ll be able to change the system from within.

Throw water filled balloons at them imo.

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I will say to go easy on the staff vs the moron, the staff have had a rough 9 months and getting into altercations with customers is never fun for them.


Fake news

My uncle is in the dumps about his family from California not making the trip for Thanksgiving. I mean he gets why but it doesn’t stop him from feeling shitty.

My mother’s boyfriend is supposedly paranoid about covid. Personally, I think he’s doing the right thing by making people coming to T-Giving take a covid test before attending. Kind of weird given that he’s an OG deplorable but he definitely isn’t buying the rounding the corner bit on it. Still probably voting Trump though -_-

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Asymptomatic coughing, cool.

Also I guess this out of control pandemic is now too serious for y’all to peg the guys wife’s pozz chance at ~3.50%. Funny thing is that it’s probably roughly accurate.


Isn’t coughing a symptom?

That was my first thought, but I just read the post four minutes ago(it’s probably 3.5% at the highest

You can be asymptomatic and cough, I cough a little after most meals

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Sure. I wasnt mean about it. I just said, “I understand you guys have rules and there is a guy down aisle X without a mask and coughing. I unfortunately cant shop here today.”

He apologized and said he would take care of it.

I don’t suppose that revelation is enough to change her to non-Trumper mom.

I dunno, it did dawn on me a few mins ago that I coulda tried to talk to her about it. Cuz she went on to say that she didn’t see how people were continuing to get it lol…seems like I coulda said well cuz trump fucked us is why but I said well people are dumb. Maybe another night…she and my dad are being reasonably safe at least.