COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Turner should be banned for life.




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Chuck Todd is a Very Serious Thinker who will not be bullied by external forced like The Left or Reality. Please give him a Prestigious Journalism Award for being Fair and Balanced.

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Chuck Todd’s hair looks like what I assume my ass looks like after I blindly and sloppily trim it. Fuck him.


What are “visuals I don’t need”?

Let’s go to 1960s Movies for $400.



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First cases reported in remote Marshall Islands

Until yesterday, the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean was one of the few places in the world spared from the pandemic.

However, two workers at a US base have now tested positive after arriving from Hawaii.

The local government stressed the two were “strictly border cases” discovered while the 35-year-old woman and 46-year-old man were in quarantine, with no threat of community transmission.

It called on people to “remain vigilant” and continue with basic precautions, but said there was no need for any lockdown measures.

With a population of 55,000 people, the Marshall Islands closed its borders in March to keep the virus out.

Most island nations in the Pacific closed their borders in the early days of the pandemic, amid concerns their weak healthcare systems would not be able to cope with an outbreak.

I’m personally shocked that someone from the US brought it in.


Gotta test those nuclear warheads and missles somewhere I guess :slight_smile:

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Probably the Chinese secretly infected them. To hurt Trump! Its so unfair!

oops, my pony taking covid too seriously

your pony didn’t take it seriously enough

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Stockholm residents advised against socialising amid new restrictions

People living in Stockholm and the Swedish regions of Västra Götaland and Östergötland have been advised against going to gyms, museums, libraries, swimming pools and shopping centres until 19 November.

They have also been told to avoid physical contact with people they do not live with.

This follows similar restrictions introduced in the regions of Uppsala County and Skåne last week, following an uptick of infections in these areas.

All regions with tougher guidelines will keep the current limit of 50 people at public events.

National guidelines are set to change on 1 November, allowing public gatherings of up to 300 people, as long as social distancing measures are in place.

This isn’t an apples to apples comparison because the 1918 flu primarily killed younger people (so each casualty lost a lot more total years of life on average than corona)… but yikes. Medicine has come a long way in the last hundred years and the federal government has way more power than it did then. There’s really no way to not see this as anything but the biggest series of catastrophic fuck ups our national government has ever executed. And the gap between it and the next biggest fuck up insanely, is the size of the grand fucking canyon.

If we landslide the GOP the reason will be COVID. We probably would have won anyway, but it would have been muuuuch closer.


The Kansas Flu 2nd wave primarily killed younger people - not saying Covid is in anyway similar (it’s not) but the demographic is changing in the 2nd wave - should be the same in US if / when the 2nd wave arrives…

We are at 55k at this time. Highest I can remember by a lot. 90k sweat today is very live.

I was also gonna nitpick that 1918 didn’t really get ripping until after the first seven months. In total, something like 500,000-900,000 in the US died, but even then so many things were different, like urban concentration and treatment options. And who knows if the deaths were classified differently between then and now.

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