COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Lol. Looks like an easy 80k+/1000+ day to me once everything is in.

Just fyi a few states report by county on there. The most notable are CA/TX/NY. You get to the county data by clicking the state.


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Astros still worse. It’s not close.


The researchers found that 82 per cent of the hospitalized COVID-19 patients (who were not taking supplements) were vitamin D deficient, while 47 per cent of the control group had the same deficiency.

“We must wait for the results of the ongoing large and properly designed studies to determine whether vitamin D can prevent SARS-COV-2 infection, or reduce its severity,” Hernandez said.

Given the safety and low cost of vitamin D treatments, Hernandez said it would be reasonable to treat those who are most at risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as seniors and those with comorbidities, and who also happen to be the most at risk for developing severe outcomes from COVID-19.

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Real Milk not the soyboy crap for everyone!

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Does treating those who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency just mean “take vitamin D supplements”?

Not a doctor but that would be my guess. :thinking:

Also from the article.

And, although they didn’t establish an association between vitamin D deficiency and the severity of COVID-19, the study’s authors noted that the group of hospitalized patients who had been taking oral supplements prior to admission had slightly more favourable outcomes than those who didn’t take supplements before they were admitted to hospital, including lower ferritin levels, a decreased need for the immunosuppressive drug tocilizumab, and lower ICU admissions.

Seems like this might be a failure of Turner personally, and not necessarily the team as a whole. If anything, it seems like his teammates are more victims than perpetrators.

Ya not sure at this point how much the team is at fault. Any suspensions/discipline will depend on how likely MLB can just sweep this incident under the rug.

One of my best friends died last night from Covid. He was 63, a runner, and had no prior conditions that would impact his bout with the disease.

He leaves behind a wife, 2 daughters, and a baby grandchild who will never know his Papa.

This, to me, is the legacy of covid.

More and more of these are trickling in on Chiefsplanet. Also one of the biggest denier/minimizers on the board and just all around shitposting moron is now pozzed.


yes, but it’s just one of the non-curative factors obv, brings your chances back to some nominal hospitalization rate. they did a similar trial with black first-responders in the spring, because it was known they naturally have lower vit D synthesis.

vitamin d/c/b1/b6 studies constantly get some sort of positive press initially, and seem to always fail when looked at with better methods.

Giving a like for the shitposter getting pozzed, not the guy who died.

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Scott Westerfield is the bestselling author of teen novels such as Uglies, Imposters, and Shatter City.


He posts like 30x a day in the covid thread. If he stops posting we’ll know it’s serious.

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Holy no shit


Barely a new all time high today. The trend has been for the cases to rise from Sunday through Friday each week so we are probably looking at 90k tomorrow or Friday if I had to guess.

For reference last Wednesday we had a little over 62k. Today we had 81,500. (Worldometers) That is a huge week over week increase.


Be that as it may, vitamin D is cheap and readily available, safe and basically a freeroll preventative. No reason not to take it, right?

Plus doesn’t it have other health benefits in the winter anyway?

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Is that another short of breath patient coming into my hospital or is it the other tennessee