COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

One of the High Schools in our county just closed for 2 weeks due to covid outbreak

We should expect to see a lot more of this in the next 2-3 weeks.

In other news, my sons school district goes OFS next Wednesday. Because… it’s a good idea?

People go crazy for this so plan on getting there early if you want any of the good stuff.

Nothing like fighting the crowds in a pandemic to save money on… TVs? Nah… Computers? Nah, fuck your Black Friday, gimme that cheap candy!

Inglorious COVID


Wow, Wisconsin sure looks to be blowing up. I bet those rallies are helping!

bruh i need an xbox series x though

this is not a joke

hopefully i can solve this problem with money and a computer instead of going live, but no luck so far.


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75k new pozzed on 952k tests, 1040 dead per worldometers… Not ideal.

Imagine how few we’d have if we didn’t test!

Nothing says normalcy like a trip to a private island!


Surprises me that more billionaires don’t buy islands and declare independence

I mean Bezos can probably get recognition by threatening to cancel Amazon Prime accounts for countries that refuse to do so.

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These “Moms” are murderers, responsible for any deaths that spin out from their conspiracy to not get their kids tested. Fuck them.


In D614G news, there’s a new study out in Nature.

A spike protein mutation D614G became dominant in SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact on viral spread and vaccine efficacy remains to be defined. Here, we engineer the D614G mutation in the USA-WA1/2020 strain and characterize its effect. D614G enhances replication on human lung epithelial cells and primary human airway tissues through an improved infectivity of virions. Hamsters infected with the G614 variant produced higher infectious titers in the nasal washes and trachea, but not lungs, confirming clinical evidence that the D614G mutation enhances viral loads in the upper respiratory tract of COVID-19 patients and may increases transmission.

My emphasis. This makes a lot of sense, because it would mean that D614G would be more transmissible but not markedly increase disease severity - which is exactly what has been observed.

The study also found that the mutation is unlikely to affect vaccine efficacy.


Once one person becomes infected, there is a 12% likelihood that someone they are living with will become infected, too, according to University of Utah’s Utah HERO phase one study. The findings have not yet been published in a peer reviewed journal. Reports from China (also here), however, indicate that the report from Utah is similar to what’s happening elsewhere in the world.

Another non-peer reviewed study reveals that there transmission is variable among different people within the home. For instance, risk for infection was higher between spouses, at 43%, which could be a reflection of transmission through intimacy, or longer or more direct exposure.


Control unmasked large gatherings and any type of crowding and this looks more endemic than pandemic. Simple 1 to 1 transmission trains that aren’t that efficient. But man those superspreader events.

But we just won’t do it.


Justin Turner of the Dodgers got pulled DURING the game (8th inning?) because a poz result came in.

Gonna be weird when half the team comes down with it.

On a public health note it might force a parade to not occur.

Saw a good twitter comment- wtf would MLB have done if by tomorrow 4 Dodgers were pozzed? MLB faded one tonight. The Rays went down with bats on their shoulders in the 9th. Maybe david stern^ ordered them to lose to avoid the situation.

^David Stern decides the winner of all sports. It does not matter that he is now dead. It’s been this way since the cold envelope.