COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

It will be interesting to see what happens if Trump loses and the stats keep climbing. On one hand we know Trump isn’t doing anything. On the other hand city and state leaders won’t have to keep Orange Man happy anymore and we may see actual mitigation strategies at the state and local levels.

State leaders aren’t going to do anything if the militant MAGA cultists are still out there. We’re seeing this in Ohio.

I think you are probably right. Although I do think there is a breaking point. If we see Italy style carnage here, which is extremely likely at this point, I think the tide will turn back towards taking steps to control the virus. I know right now locking down polls at only 40% or so, but you start having 3-5k dead/day and I’m going to guess that changes fast.

If some of the predictions I see in this thread come to pass 3-5k dead/day is definitely possible. If the hospitals get overrun nationwide it could be much greater than that. And I really don’t see how they don’t at this point. It seems we all agree it will continue to get worse. We all agree draconian measures aren’t coming any time soon then how do we not tip over hospitals all over the place? It’s already basically happening now in many areas. The only reason we aren’t to catastrophic levels is that people can be transported to less hard hit hospitals nearby so far. If we double or triple the case levels from here the amount of overrun hospitals is going to increase dramatically.

Maybe if the militia types do something heinous enough, their brand will be so discredited that Republican state officials will have the confidence to ignore them.

Regarding breaking point

220,000 dead here

One million dead world wide

They don’t fucking care. They never will.

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I’m excited to see where the bar is for this parlay to pay off.


You mean other than plan the kidnap and execution of a gov?

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They will once directly impacted. But that probably means 10 million Americans will have to die to impact anything.

Well, it’s not like they succeeded.

But they still won’t

That’s the point of a cult

They don’t even accept those numbers. Maybe if they did they’d change their behavior. They can’t accept those numbers because then they’d have to admit not only that they were wrong but also that their whole worldview is built on false premises.


Even if they believe it. More people die in plane crashes, do your research.

Restaurants near Chicago closing Wednesday (suburban Cook).

It’s all of the above here

They still think it’s fake news.

I did a youtube deep dive on the issue. What I learnt is that planes don’t exist because it’s physically impossible for them to fly. The planes you think you see in the sky are merely holographic projections to trick you into believing the round earth conspiracies. Wake up, sheeple!


Doctors in the Belgian city of Liège have been asked to keep working even if they have coronavirus amid a surge in cases and hospital admissions.

About a quarter of medical staff there are reportedly off sick with Covid-19.

Now 10 hospitals have requested that staff who have tested positive but do not have symptoms keep working.

The head of the Belgian Association of Medical Unions told the BBC they had no choice if they were to prevent the hospital system collapsing within days.

Hard to find a pony this slow

Hard to see through the Covid is it?

This! Just more proof that there are no gods and Homo Sapiens Is just a dumb unevolved species.

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