COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


It’s totally gross.

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Yeah. Whoever it was here who said the reason why New Zealanders have bought into the idea of lockdowns while sections of US/UK/AUS are in open rebellion is primarily down to the malignant cancer that is Murdoch was spot on.


RIP Dennis Potter - you were a wonderful playwright and a good man.

"My main cancer, I call it Rupert

One of the favourite fantasy plots of a writer is, a character’s told you’ve got three months to live . . . which is what I was told . . . who would you kill? I call my cancer - the main one, the pancreas one - I call it Rupert, so I can get close to it, because that man Murdoch is the one who, if I had the time - in fact, I’ve got too much writing to do and I haven’t got the energy - but I would shoot the bugger if I could. There is no one person more responsible for the pollution of what was already a fairly polluted press, and the pollution of the British press is an important part of the pollution of British political life, and it’s an important part of the cynicism and misperception of our own realities that is destroying so much of our political discourse."



It has a lot to so with it I’m sure, but lots of countries without Murdoch have anti lockdown crazies too though right? Like France etc? But that’s probably just the cancer spreading online

Yeah, “alternative” takes spreading like wildfire on social media and reinforced by some sections of the MSM if it suits their agenda of enrichment of the elite.

Interesting how the great 5G conspiracy wave seems to have died down now.

Posting this without editorial comment:

My reading was that only one person per household can leave to get to essential services (one person to the grocery store, picking up curbside food, doctors office, gas station, etc etc)

My perception is that our half-assed lockdowns got wave 1 under control and mask mandates got wave 2 under control (yes I am using under control liberally here). Now here we are, halfway through fall with the worst wave yet and our leadership is publicly saying there won’t be any strategy or intervention.

It’s completely insane and I am legitimately scared. The best case scenario is Trump as president for almost 3 more months. By then the worst should be over but how bad the worst gets is anyones guess.

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Guy at work left in the middle of the day early last week and hasn’t been back since. Rumor is his daughter is positive and he’s negative.

I am 100% in agreement with everything you said.

One thing I’m curious about though, we think that the worst “is coming”, and that it’ll be getting better in about 3 months. Why will it actually get better? You think we’ll get to enough daily cases that’ll actually convince people to take this seriously again? Sadly, I feel that the days of mask mandates and lock downs are way behind us, so is there a biological reason why things will spike and then rescind a bit, or are we counting on enough suffering causing our compatriots to begrudgingly stop superspreading?

I guess I think if we get up to 200k cases/day+ then a large part of the country will be pozzed in the next 3 months and have temporary immunity. After that winter ends. That’s obviously just pure speculation.

Thread about humidity and mucus membranes.


Yeah obviously all we have is speculation. Just trying to understand what our outs are here while feeling like behavioral changes are 100% off the table.

That’s only 18M for 90 days of 200k/day which is only 5% of the population.

That won’t meaningfully reduce spread amount.

Need to have intervention (more mask wearing, more social distancing, something) to get past this 3rd crest. It won’t die out on its own in just 90 days.

200k isn’t anywhere near the upper bound of daily cases, much less daily infections.

That is true

But 200k is 5% of population in 90 days

Even 5x that is 25% and it takes 60-70%

It’s not dying on its own due to 90 days of a huge wave…it will take some mitigation factors (and likely if we have those huge numbers people will adjust with masks, less social outings, etc)

But if people don’t adjust it won’t just die down after 90 days…

Also, winter ending isn’t 90 days from now…it STARTS in 54 days from now…so 90 days from now is only 26 days into winter, or <1/3 of winter

It’s believed that 100k/day was reached in spring here in the UK (though testing was at pitifully low levels), hence the 1000/day fatalities.

Scale that up for the x 5 US population…