COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

University population would likely have a lot fewer anti-vaxxers than general population.


Universities have required vaccinations for other things before, so nothing new there.

Hopefully corporations require it too @Narrator

Singapore is close on a really fast rapid test. IIRC it’s under a minute.


The committee is very excited


Texas seems fine???

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I hope voting is “essential services”.


Only one person per family member allowed? Cmon man at least proofread your emergency declarations.




This election is really going to fuck up the USA one way or another.


I think that’s the first new US lockdown since spring.

Some states go so far as to say that the right to vote trumps mask mandates, so they won’t stop maskless people from voting, although they might try to get them to use alternatives such as curbside voting.

flu puts a nontrivial strain on icu’s, and universities need to show some proactive measures if they want to stay open.

Melbourne’s lockdown is finally being lifted at midnight tonight. No more restrictions on reasons to leave home. The city was in lockdown for over 100 days. Victoria’s active case count is currently at 91. Here they are crushing that curve.

I feel like there will probably be civil unrest if another general lockdown is imposed in Melbourne, so hopefully things stay under control there. Moving into summer which hopefully eases any further outbreaks.


my personal anecdote is I’ve heard people in WI hospitals tell the nurses/docs/staff that covid is a hoax.

when they’re in the hospital with covid

I gave up awhile ago, I’ve plotted my indoor ness for the winter and fuck ya’ll I told you so.


I asked my sister-in-law what my nieces would be doing for Halloween and she said they would go to a “trunk or treat” with some trusted families and also do a Halloween scavenger hunt at home, which I guess might replace Easter eggs with Kinder eggs and other goodies.

I was thinking of sending them candy because I was sad about the idea of them not trick-or-treating, but I feel that’s enough for them.

I think that means only one person can accompany any family member needing essential services? It’s very poorly written.

I had protestors wandering around near my home yesterday (South Melbourne) and most of my well-meaning, far-left friends have turned against Dan Andrews now as a psychotic enemy of the working classes. There would definitely be serious issues if a lockdown happens again without there being at least 100 cases daily.

Yeah. The slow drip drip drip of the Murdoch press has had an effect. How people look at our situation vs Europe, US, etc and can not be 100% behind the lockdown just blows my mind.

They shut down the whole place due to a second positive test? Thats pretty big of that company. Pretty sure 99% of companies would yolo it until like 10% of the place was infected then shut down.

Companies still lose a ton of money being shutdown afaik. You guys do production, thats a lot of customers getting their shit late, a lot of catch up to do, probably a lot of OT for people as well.

Yeah that sucks. The top people definitely getting paid which is bullshit.