COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Christ, and people in the Czech Republic are pissed about schools remaining closed. No wonder why we’re #1 in the world in cases per 100,000 over the last 2 weeks.

That said, the Czech government has to get permission from the Chamber of Deputies every month to extend the state of emergency and they already said they’ll propose that. They can’t call one for 6+ months like Spain can apparently.

34.4% positive test rate on Saturday in the CR. Highest since the pandemic began. 7 day average of over 31%.

Seems that tests aren’t slowing down much on weekends like they used to which is good because we need way more testing than we have. Even with the increase in testing we’re still way behind other countries in the EU.


They didnt close bars yet in Ontario? Manitoba shut them down again last Friday.

The Sunday record is going to be absolutely shattered today.

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This reads like bolded really affected you.

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So, what you’re saying is:

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I did miss that and upon reading it was still left with questions given that none of the links from the article worked. I’ve since found this, which I believe is a bit more satisfying for me. To be clear, I never meant to blame China. Even if it were developed in a Chinese lab, the US and other countries could also have been involved

I’ve been glossing over Cactus’s post.

A lot of conspiracy mongering I assume (at least based on that last post above).

Dear Christ, stop responding to Cactus.


Is he a new member? Because I haven’t noticed him until now.

He is the guy who brings a gun to the beach and carries while jogging.

More likely to shoot himself than somebody else.

Regarding the China sequencing the genome talk earlier, sequencing the genome is helpful in the sort of medium term but it doesn’t really help in any immediate way. Also it’s not that hard. You need special equipment but in an emergency a viral genome can be sequenced in a few days. In France the virus was detected on January 24 and they had sequenced the genome themselves by January 30.


Unmentioned in that article:

  • There’s no motive to develop a virus like this. It’s economically damaging, but it’s also hard to contain, so you end up with it in your own population. Also, damaging the economy of the entire world will feed back into your own economy, even if you avoid the virus. It’s not good for anyone and it’s not like you’re, for example, going to bring the US to its knees militarily like this. Lastly, the virus is useless as a bioweapon because most young people don’t even notice they have it.

  • There’s no evidence the virus was engineered. Basically you engineer viruses by sticking genetic sequences together, but the techniques for doing that require special sequences at the ends of the bits you stick together, which leave residual sequences in the finished product. You can see where the bits were glued together. This virus doesn’t have that.

  • The article mentions that the spike protein is too novel to have been engineered, but also if you were going to engineer a new virus, you wouldn’t make a novel coronavirus, it’s too hard. You’d just make a recombinant influenza. It’s a lot easier to make, a lot harder to detect that it was engineered and gives you basically the same thing, i.e. a deadly respiratory virus.

Hopefully we can put this to bed now.


North Dakota is so fucked right now and the only reason it’s not a bigger story is because their population is so small.

Current 7dma is 802 cases and 7-9 deaths per day.

Doesn’t sound crazy until you extrapolate what that rate would mean to the total US population. That’s equivalent to 345k cases and 3-4K deaths per day nationwide.


More on the school impact. Apparently the no big deal claim does not hold up to scrutiny (duh)

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Who would have thought that putting lots of people inside together would have an impact?

Dumb personal anecdote and stuff, but wife’s aunt in Missouri is pozzed, and she’s a late 60s multiple-time cancer survivor and obese with most likely every other co-morbidity in the book. Turns out she was indoor dining it up multiple times a week, as I’m sure people are wont to do in Missouri. Wife talked to her parents about it, they aren’t really concerned and it literally had not occurred to any of them that like, she’s pretty freaking likely to die.

These are regular people, not super dumb that had long professional careers. Light racist older white folks, but not Fox News consumers. I swear to god, unless people actually lay eyes on the COVID-ravaged corpse of one of their loved ones, this just doesn’t matter to them. I’m so disheartened, as my area has had a 3.5x increase in all meaningful contagion statistics and we’re totally fucked, but I am literally the only person on earth that cares, so wtf am I even doing?


Local university is requiring flu shots. Feels like it might be a dry run for whenever COVID vaccines come in.

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