COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Way to take my post seriously.

No, I got the gag, thanks.

Didn’t want our recent conspiracy hunters thinking Biden had early knowledge.

But, I’m sure you remembered the WHO report

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Trump’s chief of staff saying they’re just giving up. Great. That miracle therapeutic coming any day now.

Joe knew


Climate change deniers deny the overwhelming scientific consensus.

You are denying the overwhelming scientific consensus.

You are the one sticking your thumb in your ears shouting la-la-la-la as everyone tells you it’s not man-made

Can we get a containment thread for this bullshit yet?

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It was more than a gag. It was mocking of the this thread of late.

Some more nominees

Thread title change?

We are not going to control the pandemic. That’s just what they’d be expecting us to do.

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You do control the Virus, the Virus controls YOU

Pretty much any Yakov Smirnoff joke you can take out Mother Russia and replace it with Trumps America.


Genetic material that has been manipulated by humans carry certain markers. The top specialists in the world assure us that the coronavirus shows no signs of having been altered by humans. This is not fringe, all the best scientists agree on this.

You might want to check your gut feelings.


This winter is shaping up to be one of the tougher times in this country, maybe the toughest in my lifetime. Lots of people getting sick and dying, massive cooped-up pissed-off quarantine fatigue, economy tanking, mass unemployment, mental health issues, lame-duck (hopefully) chaos - with delusional conspiracy nuts, pissed off armed militias, potential for more protests/riots/altercations.

I guess the dark days of the Vietnam war might be worse.

Everyone in cold weather who can should probably start looking into outdoor winter activities to retain sanity. The usual indoor social/recreational activities won’t be available.


I don‘t see how. Covid will kill more in one year than the US lost in Vietnam in 10. The civilians back home were safe and could go on about their lives.

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Yeah maybe. I just meant mostly on the psyche - lots of unrest, young draftees who didn’t want to be there dying for a bogus cause.

I was 0-5 so I don’t remember much.

I saw Wilbur Ross eating inside a packed restaurant last night. Man somehow escaped the ACB event not pozzed, and he’s just out there living it up.

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I can’t be denying it because I haven’t heard any scientific consensus on this. That was the entire point of my post. I haven’t heard anything discussed on where or how this virus came about. Granted, I don’t read scientific journals, but to my knowledge the news has mostly been about what the virus does, how it’s growing, the effect it’s having on the economy, and how it can be contained. Zero on its origins. Maybe I missed it?

I may want to check out where all these top scientists discussed genetic markers and its origins. Like I said above, I haven’t heard or read anything about this. Everything has been drowned out about Trump, China, # of deaths, how it’s not being contained, etc.

Can someone link me to where scientific consensus has looked into and agreed this strain has not been manually tampered with? I’ll even accept a quote from Dr. Fauci

May be you missed it…

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In a statement to CBC News on Sunday, Elliott said it takes about two weeks for public health measures to “show their full impact” on the rates of COVID-19 transmission.

She also said it’s likely that the increase is a result of Thanksgiving gatherings.

So, this is what we can look forward to in mid-December.

An admin 100% needs to give either me or @Danspartan powers to excise derails.