COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Melbourne Australia second straight day with zero new cases. Hard lockdown ending too. It has taken two months of hard lockdown to get from a relatively paltry 700 daily cases to single digits. USA (and Europe) seems really grim atm, any semblance of control now seems impossible to me.


Also as an interesting aside, the opposition party here (centre-right) have been doing the standard right-wing politarding of the issue and polling has indicated that doing this was disastrous to the voters:

Governing party leader:
Approval 52%
Disapproval 33%

Opposition leader:
Approval 15%
Dissaproval 39%
(I assume 46% don’t know who the fuck he is).

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9 pm curfew in the Czech Republic now

All retail stores closed on Sundays with exception to gas stations, pharmacies and restaurant windows. On other days, retail sales will be banned past 8 pm.

Curfew exceptions exist for things like:
-Travel to/from work
-Public officials (i.e. cops)
-Delivery services
-Dog walking within 500 meters of residence

There will be cops deployed to check for violators.

Honestly, that’s a good thing. I was surprised at the lack of masks outside. I mean it’s 100% mask compliance in stores and public transport but outside of indoor areas I’d say only a slight majority of people were wearing masks.

MoH wants to do blanket testing in nursing homes and social service insitutions using the antigen test.

Further restrictions
-Follow-up and inpatient care postponed
-No self-payers allowed in spas
-Prohibited to sell any food of foreign origin in outdoor markets

The major issues to enforcing a lot of this are the exceptions that exist. There’s a lot that simply isn’t clear about the restrictions. They’re not cut-and-dry and that makes them hard to enforce. Toss that along with how quickly changes have been made and people who are genuinely trying to abide by the restrictions can’t keep up.

Government has admitted that there really isn’t much more room to tighten restrictions without announcing a full-blown lockdown. Honestly, I wish they’d just get to it since everybody with a pulse knows that a lockdown is how this is going to end.

Gonna have to contact my psychologist since I have an appointment upcoming next week. I assume that it will be via Skype.


Isn’t your PM a right wing climate change denying dipshit? Does he not have any power over what states do?

I remember Chris agreeing that basically they fucked up the handling of the wildfires so badly they went all out on Covid, I assume the rest of the right wing party would follow the PMs lead?

Also what does the election spending laws in your country look like. Assuming that corporations can’t spend billions like here, I wonder why right wing politicians would be so beholden to business interests.

Yeah I don’t see curfews doing a whole lot. I know they did that in a bunch of state here. I mean I guess it’ll lower the speed of the spread by like 10% or something but just doesn’t really mean much imo.

65k cases and counting today which breaks by a pretty wide margin the largest Monday data ever. 90k this week seems like a lock and 100k definitely possible. 7dma for deaths has now ticked up by about 15% over the last week as well.


I mean there’s almost no reason to go out at night to begin with given the bars, clubs and restauarants are all closed. Curfews might work on people congregating outside in parks or something like that but not much more. After all, groups no larger than 2 are permitted unless they’re a family.

Jfc. What we need is someone to figure out how to circulate air in a public space. This being USA #1 we obviously will never lock down hard enough. Might as well invent our way into lower spread.

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death count is going to fucking explode.

Yeah PM is and he is also politarding it up but his party isn’t very successful in my state at a federal level (my state is, imo, the most liberal in Australia by quite a margin). I believe states are largely in control of COVID measures and most stimulus comes from a federal level. Initially, when the entire country was in trouble the right-wing were all in but we’ve basically been out of danger in every state but Victoria since May. So Scomo (our PM) occasionally politards it up now but his party’s victorian leader does it every day. I wouldn’t think it’d help polling at a federal level. And yes election spending is miniscule here but I’m unsure of the specific regulations myself. I haven’t seen recent polls but at a nationwide level the right wing party are polling extremely well and should walk to victory at the next election (2022).

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Me and moms favorite lil Mexican joint we get takeout from 1-2 days a week has been takeout only for like 3 months, well they must be doing well because they just bought a new much bigger/nicer place.


There have been more covid deaths in the Czech Republic in the last week than there have been in the first 6 months of the pandemic combined.

Oh ok didn’t know you guys had those restrictions. Closing all those things sounds good and groups no larger than too. Sounds like you guys are taking the necessary steps.

Are masks mandated again?

Yeah though enforcement is spotty at best. There’s 100% compliance in stores and public transport but outside it’s way less. Still the majority wearing them but not a huge majority.

People thought that we’d implement restrictions and boom back to real life but we implemented a lockdown when the peak cases/day was hanging around 400 and it still lasted for more than 2 months. This time we waited until there were 4000 cases before announcing a state of emergency.

I mean we haven’t even got to the lockdown part yet.

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This is fine:

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If it weren’t for all the staff I’d say this was a great idea.


Maybe lease prices are down for business locations?

I was talking about ignoring a 10% chance of a catastrophe if preventing that possibility entails instituting a policy that is only 5% as bad but annoys a lot of people.

Let her rip, we must reap what we have sowed.

Dude wants to commit suicide and take as many people with him as possible