COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Ohio was doing a relatively OK job with the pandemic before armed Heehawbollah militants forced Dr. Amy Acton to quit. Now cases are skyrocketing.


Just trim your own beard, it’s not hard


Positivity rates were 1% or below for a few months. There have been some localized flare-ups recently, so statewide positivity rates have been a little above 1% for most of October.

Even with that a 0.17% positive rate in the schools seems pretty good.

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I dug into state by state data slightly, and saw that California has been reporting very few cases the last couple days (sub-1,000), which would be by far the lowest they’ve seen during the last several months and is probably an anomaly of some sort. There’s a decent chance a couple days of backed data will come out that reverse these w/w improvements and then some.

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Zero hits on Google:

Looks like you just created a word. Love it.


Saw something on Worldometers where Wisconsin was doing something with their reporting and would not report over this past weekend at all. Someone I believe noted another large state didn’t report anything over the weekend where they normally would report reduced numbers. Think it was Michigan

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Uhhh yeah I missed that. Wisconsin reported 0 cases over the weekend.

So Cali probably was 1,000 cases/day below reality, and Wisconsin 2,500 cases/day below reality, so actually the weekend’s stats were horrible. Wow, that’s bad.

This article would be the end of any other presidency in American history. I seriously hope that the way the history books end up covering these events will be that it was already over. I wish it was more fucking obvious at the fucking time. Stupid historians. Enjoy this primary source material you assholes.


Maybe NYC contract trace and Kansas are just guessing outbreak happened at school

Well at one of the schools the entire football team got pozzed so it seems fairly likely there was a high amount of spread in that setting.

Oh holy shit.


Yeah, sorry I’m defaulting to UK school ages and not US again

This article makes it sound like Birx and Fauci resigning in protest would have given Atlas the power to pursue a herd immunity strategy more aggressively.

Maybe schools can be safely reopened if a good plan is in place, but only in places where the general population is taking things seriously outside of schools.


Here’s 3m people with less to go out for for next fortnight

Wales is at an average 130 positives per 100,000 tests


If things keep looking this way, this is just going to have to be the normalized behavior for the entire winter for a ton of countries. Unless they are okay with losing a couple tenths of a percent of their populations.

It’s good to see some first-movers starting up lockdowns.


I couldn’t agree more. Wales have timed to coinside with school half term (23rd for a week) so this should knock their R down going into Christmas. Might be able to have a small gathering at Xmas if take they take the ‘pain’ of lockdown now.

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Yes pretty much what we’ve said itt. OFS relies not only on specific behaviors and engineering controls but also the case density “pressure” pushing on the system

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Good summary. No news itt but worthwhile quick read

Good. Now we just need every single other school district in the country to act as responsibly as NYC

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