COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You know you fucked up when fucking CNN is hammering a tiny country of 10M people


So, the Czech Republic was doing better than all its neighbors while its people wore masks and then it blew up when they stopped.

Not according to Toothsayer in 22’s Covid thread, where masks are useless in preventing its spread.

I argued with a guy like that on Facebook a couple days ago. He brought up Europe and I wasn’t sure what to say because I didn’t know. This Czech Republic story would have been very useful. Are people just Covid fatigued over there and letting their guard down?

The vast majority of people in Prague are really good about following orders. They don’t like them but they know that following the rules works. It’s why despite everything else becoming shit, Prague has been getting worse at a far slower pace than the rest of the country. It’s the people outside of it bitching about masks and actively breaking the rules that are the problems. It’s why the places with the most cases/100,000 are rural bumfuck areas of the country and not Prague.

Thing is that the current PM gets most of his votes from rural areas of the country. He and his party are popular in those bumfuck areas and him doing these things is making him less popular there. It’s why he held off on implementing safety measures until the Senate and Regional elections. He needed their votes to gain more power at the district level.

I post more about Czech politics in my thread Politics in the Rest of Europe




Love how they show worldwide statistics while showing a map of America.

It’s symbolic of how everybody who watches FOX News thinks of the world.


The space in the middle of the worldwide deaths number made me chuckle too.

It’s like an extremely well-funded 8th grade science fair project.


The Johns Hopkins 7 day positivity rate for Maryland has changed in the past few days. Like, it had been over 5% for most of the past 6 months, and now their chart shows that it hasn’t been over 5% since mid June. On Friday it was reported at 7.5%, then Saturday morning the chart said that it was like 3% on Friday and hasn’t hit 7.5% in 4+ months.

It had been kind of a thing here where the state has reported much lower positivity rates than Hopkins because the state counts multiple negative tests performed on the same person, and Hopkins counted each person once, so they always reported a significantly higher positive rate than what Larry Hogan touted.

Has anyone noticed similar changes in other states?

This week will be interesting data wise. The last two days we have seen the week over week increases slow a bit. Will that just be noise or is that a result of the rate of growth decelerating?

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The last two days were weekend days though, right?

Yes, I know w/w, but some weekends may be worse than others datawise

Right but when I say week over week I mean if you compare Saturday to last Saturday and Sunday to last Sunday there was barely any increase. We had pretty consistently been seeing 5-10k increases week over week prior to the last two days.

It could just have been weekend affect I agree. But if we don’t see large w/w increases the next few days then that confirms a slowing imo.

I think this has been fairly gradual, but it seems like Fauci is now pretty much openly contemptible of Trump and the Kushner/Atlas team. Seems like he’s almost daring Trump to fire him. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s fired Nov. 5 whether Trump wins or loses. If trump loses and he’s fired Biden could made him head of his public health transition team.

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Bit concerned about getting my hair cut and beard trimmed.

I mean they went from three seats to one and one person working to minimize contacts but taking care of my beard will require me to take off my mask.

Assuming that he’s wearing his it’s not a big deal imo

Out of 15,111 staff members and students tested randomly by the school system in the first week of its testing regimen, the city has gotten back results for 10,676. There were only 18 positives: 13 staff members and five students.

They could have at least included a few Mexican countries on there.

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NYC had very low virus prevalence for months prior to this right? One of the larger schools districts in Kansas just went back to virtual because the outbreak amongst students and staff was so severe.

speaking of


This is actually about the nicest thing I’ve ever seen Donnie Dumb Dumb say about someone that is not a sniveling brown noser. For some reason Fauci made a good impression on Trump. I think maybe the legitimate confidence that Fauci has from being an actual expert is something the Trump mistakes for toughness?