COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Ha ha, obviously I was going for women, and letting them run shit for a while.

This seems to be pretty limited in nature, but then again how would we know.

OK, I nominate you as ambassadors to the G7, billionaires, etc to convince them it’s time to shell out for food supplies for the under developed world for the good of humanity.

Or just swap bombs for food, don’t tell John Bolton and put him in charge.

I remember when covid was going to own us by destroying supply chains, now we’re going to create entirely new supply chains to supply the entire world. Maybe this covid thing is working out.

Although I like the praise Germany receives so far its far from over. Merkel can only do so much since the federal states have a lot of power themselves. People getting more and more agitated and complacent over the rules. Courts strike down some of the measures. Then you have several of the premiers who try to get in position for becoming next chancellor and try to sharpen their profile with their handling of the pandemic. And of course the economy hates it, tries to influence public opinion and put pressure on the premiers. After all its still jobs>all. Some of the east-german premiers would have gotten rid of the sanctions on Russia a long time ago because it disrupts their business dealing with Russia. There are lot of people who just dont care if it means it could cost jobs or hurt the economy.


Next thing you know they will claim to be sovereign citizens.

Eradication is probably not a realistic goal for lots of reason.

But getting the daily case incidence down to 10 per 100k or preferably 1 per 100k should be in reach. At those levels lots of other things become possible like saturation testing in response to local rises. OFS and OFB are feasible.


It’s Merkel for me AINEC.
I’m right of centre politically, so middle of the Democratic party and a Warren supporter… mostly I like the most competent / most intelligent person running things which is more important than platform and ideology in my support of candidates.

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This is it, white people are just inherently superior to orange people. But the liberal thought police don’t want to talk about it.

A guy who was well known in my hometown died of Covid a few days ago. He was in his sixties. A friend who works with the guy’s son said he caught it from a Covid-hoaxer. The local paper wrote a story about him and never mentioned the cause of death. My county is full of Covid deniers, and this could have been a good opportunity to show them this thing is real, but either the paper decided not to publish the cause of death or the family decided not to tell them. It’s just so frustrating. If he’d died of cancer of course they’d have a line in there about how he passed away after a long battle with it.


A couple thousand hooligans decided to protest anti-covid measures in Prague today

I feel conflicted. These people are racist pieces of shit who are angry that their favorite sports are shut down. At the same time, they were chanting “All Cops Are Bastards”. Although the reason for doing so is wrong, they kind of are. They aren’t murdering black people in the streets bad but excessive force is very much a thing and the vast majority of people here don’t seem to mind it much which is why it doesn’t make news. That and Prague is quite safe and aside from the occasional drunk fairly civil.

I mean if this was America, there’d be a lot of dead protesters given how aggressive they were towards the cops. No doubt cops would be firing live ammo at them.

It’s crazy to me I’m noticing little talk about how Florida has been just humming along at 500+deaths a week for the last 3 months. By the end of the year will be around top 5 deaths/million people even with the reporting shenanigans going on there.

National media and the various twitter accounts I follow mainly discuss places that are peaking at the moment, I’m curious how the local media in Florida talks about this.

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Sweden update from the data modeler I follow:

October 17th COVID Update: The I can’t believe people are still talking about Sweden as a success story update.

Hopefully for the last time, please understand that herd immunity is NOT a practical approach to combatting COVID-19. One of the primary rationales for the US moving to a herd immunity response - as the President and some others are suggesting - is that it worked in Sweden. Although Sweden had a horrible outbreak early on, the virus magically went away by midsummer and everything is fine there, right?

Well, not so much. Sweden abandoned its herd immunity approach BECAUSE IT WAS NOT WORKING. Individuals began to take mitigation efforts seriously, even before the government changed it’s recommendations, and this collective action is what reduced the spread of disease. Lest anyone believe that Sweden has achieved herd immunity, please note that the renewed spread across Europe is happening in Sweden just as it is everywhere else. Based on the timing of increase in cases, death rates will begin to increase this week or next.

In short: (1) Sweden paid a huge price in mortality not shared by it’s neighbors both in real numbers and when adjusted for population. (2) Sweden faced an economic crisis essentially similar to it’s neighbors, so did nothing to preserve their economy for all those deaths. (3) Did not achieve any form of herd immunity.

Don’t do it here. Based on our population, we would expect over two million deaths before herd immunity would be achieved and that assumes that the disease does not mutate and that reinfection is rare. Wear the damn mask. Take the vaccine when the scientists say it’s ready. Don’t be like Sweden.

Please note, data in the figure are one week averages.

Previous posts on the subject:


It seems like half the deaths reported on any given day are actually from over a month ago. 500/week may actual be quite low.


Wishcasting. Trump continues to see expanded testing and detection as failure so ramps up massively as a lame duck to really stick it to the incoming administration.


Wisconsin and Michigan have not reported new cases for today and yesterday. Whats up with that? I follow case updates daily and this is not typical.

Did Trump have super spreader rallies in both states over the weekend? Are MI and WI going to drop some huge number tomorrow and be like Trump,

Are they scared if the numbers get out of hand only Trump voting covid deniers will come to the polls? Are things getting so out of hand that the governors are trying to put together a crisis management strategy before they release the numbers?

I am a little freaked out here. Can some one talk me down?

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It’s the weekend. You’ll see high numbers Monday and Tuesday.

This is not gonna happen. Lame duck Trump dismantles every aspect of the government he can, including public health and testing, and does literally nothing constructive at all.


Remember when we actually gave a shit about testing shenanigans - because we wanted to know how bad things really were? Now I don’t care because I know it’s going to be terrible.


I just finished Lost City of the Monkey God - about the recent 2012 discovery of an ancient city in the Mosquito Jungle of Honduras. The book spends the last couple chapters describing how most of the discovery part, including the author, contracted leishmaniasis and in the end they quote Fauci talking about it.

Sounds nasty as hell and it’s showing up in the US more and more apparently. It’s usually transmitted by sand flies.

They won’t spend nearly as much trying to dismantle government as they will covering their asses. Don’t get me wrong, they will try to do irreparable damage but only as priority B to destroying records of who said what about family separations, various grids, etc.