COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

lol half the nation will try to get it just to spite Biden


The people who don’t have covid in those ambulances who die getting diverted didn’t die from Covid at least!


Fyi going on diversion is different from turning away ambulances, and while it’s a sign of stress obviously it’s not that uncommon depending on the region. I have no idea how common it is in KC.

You can’t turn away ambulances that have come to your ER because of EMTALA, even during covid.

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The headline is somewhat misleading then. At least to me.

Yeah not your fault. Hospitals go on diversion all the time. What it means is highly dependent on what the rules are, and I have no idea what they are for KC. Could be a sign of disaster or could be nothing.

Ambulances aren’t getting turned away at the ramp, they just get told to go to hospital B instead of A. There’s downsides to this including longer transport times, and people can get worse in that time. Hard to parse what that means though, could just be the reporter learning about their local EMS system

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I’ll take it if the EU or CAN approves it.

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I would assume the mayor of SF is a non-moron but?

Yup, it was insane. Legit cultural phenomenon just utterly ruined out of sheer laziness and hubris of the creators. All of the sick moments and mysteries from the great first few seasons were all diminished or outright never explained, why would you ever rewatch it?


What data shows schools opening is safe?

We are already over 60000 today. Very good chance we break 70000. The alltime record is 78xxx and that should be in serious jeopardy next week.

If it’s out there I haven’t seen it. Insanity

As far as I can tell the main push comes from people who assert that the kids will suffer some sort of permanent developmental damage from being kept out.

This is the closest I’ve seen to a good argument. It’s by Emily Oster, who is someone that I respect.

I don’t think it gets you all the way to “we know schools are safe”, but I think school openings have gone better than I expected. Governor of Ohio has been very clear that even though cases are going batshit crazy right now, that increase is coming from social gatherings, not schools.

What the hell is Chris Hayes talking about?


Ok I’ll take a look

My concern is that testing isn’t there and people aren’t being forthcoming if asymptomatic.

I was under the impression that my kid’s school had 0 incidents so far (my kids are virtual anyway), but their old bus driver told me today that it’s just being kept hush hush…she said lots of bus drivers have gotten it also and one bus driver has died. She said they are essential infrastructure workers so they must go to work unless they have symptoms.

So even when places seem like the schools are doing well, sometimes it may be worse just being kept hush hush.


We’re fucked. I think you should start a channel or something and broadcast your data and thoughts. It won’t do anything right now but after this shit goes to pieces maybe you can make some serious bank as a smart guy and influence future decisions. At least something good would happen to you personally! I’ll retweet and watch

I call bullshit. The author is an economist and she references “data scientists” not someone like former CDC epidimiologist or Johns Hopkins Dean…

Anything an economist says about the spread of the disease is immediately suspect.


Ok, so looking at the data they linked:

  1. Rates more than doubled from first 2 weeks to 2nd 2 weeks and they don’t have data yet on the 3rd 2 weeks

  2. It’s only 1200 schools reporting; need to dig into if selection bias. The page has a link for superintendents to enroll their district in the program to provide data. If a district is doing poorly, why would they enroll?

  3. School data has gotta be horrible. Most parents who want their kids in school aren’t telling the school they got covid if they aren’t super symptomatic. The data will underreport cases for sure.


I generally agree with your skepticism about economists talking about COVID (and I put myself in that group), but Oster has been focused on health-related issues since she got her PhD. More importantly, the data that she’s talking about is available in her article.

I think @Nicholasp27 is correct to raise the concern about selection bias, but unless there’s contrary evidence available I think we should be open to the possibility that school openings aren’t leading to large-scale increases in cases.

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School openings are a disaster. I went through school districts in Kansas where I have family and friends yesterday and every single one had numerous students and staff pozzed and in quarantine. Even the school districts with only a couple hundred kids. They have only been OFS for 5 weeks.

Only morons are left spreading bullshit that makes it seem like it is safe for anyone to be indoors for hours on end with hundreds of other humans day after day.

Nationwide our 7dma has gone from 35,000 to 55,000 in a month after we got OFS.

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