COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Just point to the difference in case nos. There’s a reason Americans are called dumb fks! Plenty of Europe too.

Shit if you’re that low, you just need to hold the line for maybe a month more and you’re set.

We were that low once already and cases blew up again. We should really have gone for eradication early on. Hindsight 20/20.

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Jeff Goldblum would like a word with you about chaotic systems.

The trainwreck is coming 57k today without Florida per covidtracking.

It wasn’t an early date

He had it for a week before starting medicine, they just won’t admit that

most people recovery quickly. a case study here is worthless.

Man fuck dan mullen that piece of shit.


Was down to low double digits in the Czech Republic this past June and look at what’s happened since.

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Isn’t that “the problem” with full strict lockdowns? Won’t cases in Australia and other similar places just start slowly increasing then will ultimately go exponential once the lockdowns are eased?

Seems like it’s a lot like dieting - fasting and going super hard is great to lose weight fast, but the only way to keep it off is with permanent behavior and lifestyle modification.


Yep this is my feeling. We will always be teetering on the brink of an outbreak even if we are putting up NZ type numbers given how fast and wide it can spread. It’s basically vaccine or bust.

I am afraid Germany is at a turning point right now. We have reached numbers where contact tracing is putting the public health system under a lot of strain. In several areas it is probably impossible to do anymore.
Unfortunately people do not see it as an increased problem yet as hospitalizations are still rather low.

I fear there is a very slim path available where we can still reign things in by changing our behavior back to what we did a few weeks/ months ago.

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Well hopefully your country looks at the half-assed measures the CR took a few weeks ago in the same situation and goes, “No, not that.”

  1. Full lockdown: Dramatically lowers outbreak, approx 90% reduction per month

  2. Open with good discipline: Causes the disease to tread water, more or less

  3. Open with business as usual: Dramatic increase in infections

There’s a lot to balance, but I think there’s a really good argument we should have locked down again in July (after we “learned” going to step 3 was a disaster). And, after that, had strong penalties so people never progressed to step 3 until a vaccine.

Instead, we’re staring down the barrel of winter with a high caseload. If we see cases increase by some substantial factor now, then we’re in a lot of trouble.


Yeah I’m not too optimistic about that due to to the rising BUT THE ECONOMY takes in Germany. Guess we’ll have to feed some bodies to capitalism as well.

One thing I hope the history books absolutely HAMMER is that tens of thousands of people have/are going to die solely as a result of our narcissist fuckwad-in-chief thinking he looks uncool with a mask on - and demanding open-faces from those around him so his ignorance is normalized. Imagine if the dude proudly wore a rotation of badass cloth masks, demonstrated how to make them on-air, and then repeatedly crowed about how patriotic it is to protect those around you. That should be normal presidential behavior, and it’s so goddamn easy!

My clients are losing grandparents because this piece of shit doesn’t want to spread makeup stains. I’ll rant about this (and child separations) literally until I die like a crazy person myself. I’m going to be shaming Trump voters on the loudspeaker at whatever nursing home my kids shove me into.

"Hey idiots, remember that time you voted for a guy that tried to kill you and tortured a bunch of immigrant kids? I sure do, and I’m about to kick your ass at bingo. Fuck your feelings. "


The virus is waiting
Always waiting
We don’t care
The virus don’t care

Thousands and thousands are dead
The virus continues to spread
Because the clear fact
That reducing contact
Is too much for our president’s head


I don’t even know what to think when pictures like this cross my timeline. It was in Orange County. Not sure what to think or do when I see stuff like this from people who I thought were responsible. What would you do if this crossed your feed? Just fucking amazing that people can get away with doing and posting this shit and there’s no pushback.

Swap second and third lines.

The virus is waiting
We don’t care
Always waiting
The virus don’t care

Then the first letters spell Trump