COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

yeah of course. People who aren’t hospitalized are tired as hell too

Fatigued Trump is good.

Also I wonder if trying to get back to a heavy stressful workload too soon can lead to some type of relapse. Or what snorting a ton of adderall might do at this point.

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Proud of Germany for handling it so well as of now.

Wish countries around it were a bit more rational and less politicially motivated in their approach.

Barring a sudden turn for the worse, that’s probably true. Doesn’t mean that he isn’t symptomatic but he’ll overcome it.

Goddamn that fucker runs good. Has every comorbidity in the book and doesn’t die.

Cool, get any of his doctors to be transparent about his tests, symptoms, and treatments, about the full list of drugs he takes, about his actual weight, about his medical history, and so on. Until then “no matter how you feel about him” is not why one can’t infer anything useful about the course of his disease, it’s because he and his doctors are constantly and forever lying about everything.


Stupid take. Someone’s def not a scientist or being logical here.

You won’t learn much by throwing everything and the kitchen sink at something and find that there’s a change. Plus there are a whole bunch of lying shitbags throughout the process, including the patient himself and a bunch of his doctors.

Studying Trumps timeline is actually less than worthless. Plenty of honest patients and doctors to. follow instead.


How I feel watching these college football games:

No, that’s really stupid. You don’t learn real things through a case study.

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Making stupid takes is why DS is here.

Update, wife’s friends mom still on vent, looking bad.


I refuse to give up Hope.


That’s why Hope was capitalized in my post. Too subtle I guess.


Saw this abortion of a “mask” today. Stupid effin Minnesotans. Me and the son went canoeing today. This family gets on the shuttle bus and the Mom and 10(?) year old daughter were wearing this chin mouth shield things similar to this

We both had on K95s, otherwise I would have thrown a fit.

Fabulous day out on the water


I have no idea why this is upside down nor how to easily fix on my I phone. Needless to say gravity was functioning normally.


I knew better too, thanks post trash can!

The study I am suggesting is to tease out which of the several things that were different about Trump’s treatment was the reason for his fast recovery. (Obviously assuming that the information is reported honestly.) Or very possibly it was none of them. Or more than one. It was apparently a fluke that someone would get that treatment at this early date and the fact he got better quickly offers an opportunity that might not otherwise have arisen for several weeks.

While you’re not exactly wrong, you sure make it sound like case reports and small series have no value. And that’s not true. One important purpose of them is to give people ideas about what to actually do more rigorous testing (i.e. randomized, placebo-controlled trials) on.

However, just about every treatment imaginable is being studied thoroughly anyway. So, in this particular situation, studying Trump’s case is of approximately zero value. But it’s not because case studies have no value. It’s because all of the interesting questions this case may raise are almost certainly already being studied by multiple groups worldwide.

Cliffs: Sklansky’s suggestion is still dumb.

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Correct. You didn’t need the prior 2 paragraphs.

You really know virtually nothing about this disease.
Do you think Trump has had a better timeline with this virus than the average person who has tested positive for it?

…despite the absolute best health care in the world that $750 can buy…

Down to low double digit cases per day in Melbourne population 5m and we cant go outside 5km from our residence and yet Americans can go anywhere. I agree with the policy but I’d say majority of residents now really really sick of it considering Americans and Europeans can go canoeing/to sports/fly on planes (our state borders have been closed for six months)