COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I think it has much more to do with schools opening up and people mostly giving up on social distancing than any kind of weather effect. Non-novel coronaviruses usually blow up in mid-December. But of course this bug is a whole new kettle of fish.

It’s probably some combination of back to school + quarantine fatigue + cold weather. You’ll never be able to tease out the effect of each.

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I honestly don’t get the anger. No one has been the slightest bit mean to you.


What about the gap between your face and the mask around the sides of your nose?

What’s the reasoning for why nearly all of this jump comes from northern states?

Georgia, SC, Florida, Alabama (the bad social distancing states and ones that have been in school for in some cases 2 months) have seen cases decline this entire time.

The further north you get, the more cases seem to be jumping, especially in the Midwest.

Giving kids COVID to own the libs

At a school attended by some of Amy Coney Barrett’s children, one teacher and two students have tested positive.

Czech Republic 3rd in the world in cases per 100,000 in the last week. Only behind Israel and Andorra

United States is in 26th.


Not sure, but part of it could be suppression of the statistics by the states. I don’t trust Florida’s numbers. We have been going buck wild here for several weeks, the governor has even taken steps to prevent local governments from imposing stricter mask/seating requirements. I went through SC on my road trip and Charleston was pretty buck wild, too. Many restaurants were not following the limited seating guidelines all too closely. Asheville has been real good, relatively speaking. Anyway, I’d be real suspicious of numbers coming out of Florida at the very least.

That makes pretty grim reading for a lot of Europe (though you wouldn’t know it from this site lol).

Oh yeah, PM of the CR is hinting at an Israel type of solution where pretty much nobody leaves their home at all for 2 weeks. Like more extreme than a conventional lockdown.

Here the gov has adopted an unofficial “Let school kids get it” policy.

Because testing is an order of magnitude higher than it was in wave #1 it’s meaningless to compare infection rates, but (bypassing infections rates) the current hospitalisations are about the level they were in week 3 of June, and from the second graph the current C19 deaths/day are at the same rate as they were then too, which isn’t very comforting when you look at what went before (several days with >1000 deaths/day) and suggests that hospitalised patients are dying at the same rate as before.

I’ve got an appointment at my GP on Monday for a flu jab, and I’m dreading going in even if it does only last a minute.

Brazil’s hard-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, dismissed Covid-19 as a “little flu”, and said it should be faced “like a man, not a boy”.

He sneered that self-isolating was “for the weak” and raged against lockdown measures. He clashed with state governors, and his own former health minister savaged his handling of the pandemic.

But as Brazil counts nearly 5 million Covid-19 cases and more than 147,000 dead, Bolsonaro is more popular than ever.

Like his idol Donald Trump, the populist Brazilian leader caught the virus and emerged apparently unscathed. But while the US president trails Joe Biden in the polls, Bolsonaro’s government has hit a record 40% approval rating.

Much of that popularity is down to monthly emergency aid payments of £83 ($108) – or £166 ($217) for single mothers – that about 67 million Brazilians began receiving in April.

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There was a bunch of that mentality here when they believed that kids weren’t as affected by it as adults and less likely to spread it. It was used as an excuse to open schools.

Now that it’s estimated in the CR that over 25% of cases are traced back to schools, they adjusted. Heads should be rolling in the government because they are super-fucked as of now.

Chicken pot, Chicken pot, Chicken pot pie!


Still true

According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 10 deaths recorded as “due to Covid-19” among those aged 19 and under in England and Wales between March and June. There were 46,725 deaths among those aged 20 and over.

And in a study of more than 55,000 coronavirus patients in hospitals, less than 1% were under the age of 19.

Under 12’s spread at 25-50% of the rate of an adult (over 18yrs)

0:06 7 Oct

‘Growing evidence’ younger children do not play major role in spread

There is growing evidence that primary school children do not play a major role in spreading Covid-19, a scientist advising the UK government has said.

Prof Calum Semple, an expert in child health and outbreak medicine at the University of Liverpool, said: "We’re quite confident now that primary school children are probably a quarter to half as likely to become infected and are also much less likely to pass the infection on.

"Then, in secondary school children, again it’s less than adults.

“But it’s a gradient of effects such that sixth-formers are probably about the same risk as adults. But that data is slightly less stable.”

He also suggested there was an argument for taking primary school-aged children out of testing altogether and that many scientists were considering the idea of removing them from restrictions limiting social gatherings to six people.

No idea what sixth-formers are but I’d say half of my students are 18-19 years old.

So I am teaching, at least legally speaking, adults.

Fact is that due to the lack of direction from the Minister of Education, schools throughout the country were woefully unprepared to open but did so anyway because a good chunk of politicians that form the government are covid deniers.

Now they’re ringing the alarm and paying the political price.

Grunch, Christie Released from the hospital:

School kids in UK are usually 4-16yrs. Primary school 4-11yrs, Secondary school 12-16yrs. 16-18yrs are usual starting ages of Sixth Form then off to University 18+yrs.

I appreciate your concern a little more now I realise the age you’re teaching!

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