COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Id say im medium risk. I’m 39 with a 25-30 bmi and high blood pressure/chol and a family history of heart problems who drinks too much. I meant I was weak because of the drinking. A sunny 60 degree in December where I am not working i will always be outside having a few cocktails. It’s one of the reasons I know I have a 0% chance of quitting and just need to do a better job regulating.

I turned on the news this morning and saw a crying woman saying “here come look at this” and I assumed she was a healthcare worker who was going to show us an overflowing ICU or a makeshift morgue or whatever.

Turned out she was a restaurant owner crying because she had set up an awesome outdoor dining area that she’s not allowed to use now. :tired_face:


Just a thing on news here where a parent said “if my kid can play sports they should be able to be in school”. She said this with no irony or recognition. Just stunning the level of ignorance.

I can hear people 750 miles away in Michigan whining about Whitmer extending her emergency orders. She should just go on TV and say

“What I’m doing is trying to save lives. this fall I left it to you people to do the right thing And that’s how we ended up where we are now. STFU stay home and where a damn mask”



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Thanks Donny.

Pennsylvania sticking with the please stay home strategy, and why not? It’s working so well.

Anyone else seeing a new trend emerging with the normies they know talking about how they are somewhat jealous of folks that are getting COVID-19 and recovering? I swear I’ve heard something similar a half dozen times in the last couple weeks.

“Yeah, my friend had a rough go with it for a month, had a couple stints in the ER but got his senses of taste and smell back and is out of the woods now.”

“That sucks, but I’m a bit jealous that he’ll be able to get back to normal now.”

I’m jealous of the people who got sick and are doing fine now. Don’t see what’s so crazy about that either. Lots of people doing just fine afterwards

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No results yet. New symptoms include headache, body aches and dry cough. Pulse oxymiter not being delivered til Thursday (Thanks Amazon 1 day guaranteed delivery!)

Parent of a student, and the teacher’ parents, grandmother, and father in law all pozzed.

Odds pretty much 100 that my mom has it, yeah?


Thanks. Hopefully we know more soon. I’m worried about her though


Seems not great in terms of the chances she has it, but hopefully it doesn’t progress and she gets better soon!

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Man this shit is getting ridiculous. I know more people pozzed in the past 2-3 weeks than since March. It’s gonna be horrific.


Yup. It has 100% infiltrated the proximity bubble. I wonder how many people getting it now also had that weird awful coughing thing last Feb/Mar


Now it hit us. A coworker got tested positive yesterday. Luckily she was already on sick leave since wednesday but her doctor said that her symptoms weren’t Covid symptoms. On Friday she was ready to get back to work on monday but on sunday she lost her sense of taste. Her kids were in school till Friday. Will be interesting what will happen now.

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Yea I’m one. Had a bad cough/fever for 3 days in February. Came in hard and left fast. No idea if it was Covid-19. Coughed so hard my back was sore and that has never happened to me before.:man_shrugging:

She was given the injection at 06:31 GMT - the first of 800,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine that will be given in the coming weeks.

Up to 4 million more are expected by the end of the month.

Hubs in the UK will vaccinate over-80s and some health and care staff - the programme aims to protect the most vulnerable and return life to normal.

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Just recently had the first outbreak in our local general hospital (rural Ontario). Previously there had been a couple of people come in sick and identified as positive but they were isolated, treated, etc. This past week they had a staff member test positive after working all over the hospital while asymptomatic. Ruh roh.

I’m sick and tired of all these government handouts to time traveling playwrights.