COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Just unbelievable.

22 R
0 D

About 50/50.




I count 21 R pozzes in the House to 11 Dems. Tougher to avoid groups of people on the House floor, I’d imagine. Dems following quarantine procedure more closely and thus having more quarantines than the GOP? Dems wearing masks better so equal exposure/quarantines, fewer pozzes?

The quarantine vs poz thing was confusing.

But apparently believing in science over magic is safer.

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I’m 100% against people volunteering to be a mod because that’s how you get the wrong people, and the more zealous they are the worse they will be for this forum.

I do think the forum needs more Euro mods to break up the sense of an “old boys club”. Do you have time to do it? It’s not nearly as much work a people make it out to be, and you’d be in a team of 5 or so.

Got a tweet notification saying Rudy died, not seeing it anywhere reputable tho

Eta: appears fake

We went through this with Rush Limbaugh last week.

These fucks never die.


Seems way too quick for him to have died already given what we know about typical timeline but hey we can hope

We have no idea how long hes been pozzed though. If he was rushed to the hospital, he has to be a number of days into positivity at this point.

I had the talk with the wife and mother in law about us not coming home for Christmas. They both were incredibly receptive to it. They probably both knew deep down, but didn’t want to admit it yet. We instead decided to meet each other halfway (3 hours for both us) and swap gifts that we had ordered, do a quick masked hug outside, and zoom each other Christmas morning to open everything.

I’m going to do a seafood smorgasbord that day and drink numerous beers. Should be great!


Today I found out two more people I know pretty well have COVID (no connection to each other), and a coworker yesterday. The common thread in all three of them is loss of taste and smell.

One of them has had three negative results but completely lost taste and smell concurrent with a cold, and was in close contact with a known pozz, so she’s like 99%+ to have it, but has tested negative three times. PCR and quick tests.

Another got a PCR and quick test at the same time. Quick test negative, PCR test positives.

I kinda feel like tests in general and quick tests in particular are useless for clearing someone of COVID.

Anyone hear from Witchita? Wonder if he went to ER.


+1 @WichitaDM hopefully all is well?

When a user was last seen is right on their profile page.

I am alive. I feel 90% better and pulse ox is back to normal or at least close. I didn’t go to work today and grilled pineapple and shrimp and then made some fried rice with it. Sitting out with Donald in beautiful 55-60 degree sunny weather today. Much better day than the last two.


Weird, I had a dream you’d be sitting outside with pineapple and shrimp friend rice and a terrycloth Trump.


It’s a dog chew toy haha!

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Looks like it could also substitute for TP in a pinch.

Heh, I said pinch.

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I took a pic of my food and my wife asked why. When I told her she took that instead and said she thought it would be funny so here we are. She is pretty great.