COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

At some point we are going to need a way to ID the immune from the not immune once we roll out the vaccine.

They had wrist bands in the movie Contagion. We all know it would be counterfeit city.

Now would we put antibody positive people on there same list?

I’m def in the camp that for now, antibody positive people should mask in public if for courtesy if nothing else.

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In what context?

That was fake news they are in gitmo with Hillary.

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It’s so the dumbass anti-vaxxers can be ID’d and refused service.

Concert and sports attendance. Basically opening things up. NFW are we going to wait for vaccine mediated community immunity. Restaurants and venues are going to want to be able to freely serve the immune.

Not saying I agree just being practical.

Not sure who all are in the 14 but assuming they are all excellent nominees. Is Uncle Ben still alive?

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Well in things I don’t know:

Is that politically palatable for enough of the country? I’m guessing no.

In things I do know:

Early on you can’t really do this, still need a lot of restrictions even with the vaccine in 10-20% of the country at least.

Though nowhere near as bad as the U.S. and elsewhere, things are breaking the wrong way in Japan.

I don’t know about a few, probably more. My hospital network was sitting on a stack of cash before COVID and now every month is either barely in the black with elective surgeries. Without surgeries we’ll burn through our reserves.

The other hospital network in our area went on a spending spree before COVID trying to snatch up all the practices and hospitals in like 3 metro areas, COVID hit and they’re now outsourcing departments left and right with even with elective surgeries.

These mid to large sized hospital networks.

herd immunity can be achieved with vaccine. it’s not achievable by getting covid by the population.

I don’t want to speak for him, but Will is in WA in the Seattle area.

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isn’t that highly dependent on viral mechanisms and assumes corona won’t mutate over the course of a year?

the contagion fauci doesn’t immunize at the end but wears the wristband. is he just counting on herd immunity?

It does, but the mechanism of sars-cov-2 seems to have an immunogenic aspect that doesn’t rapidly mutate as it’s the protein that allows cell entry.

At least, that’s how I understand it. I don’t want to play my ‘i’m a doctor’ card here I’m way outside of my training here.

This is basically poker with my uncles growing up.

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COVID-19 has an extremely odd proofreading mechanism that’s very rare in viruses. I’ve posted about this before. It should mutate relatively slowly. Even then, a vaccine should give you some level of immunity to the mutated version.

I’m not a doctor and I have no real training in this field outside googling and listening to podcasts about infections disease. So take with a grain of salt.


That’s what they’re saying and that’s what the vaccines are said to be targeting, but who knows what happens mutation wise if/when we vaccinate against that specific part of it?

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I think it’s less likely as mutations to the spike protein would be likely to make the virus less efficient, although again I’m not sure.


I haven’t gone into a store or restaurant since March.