COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Sure, but that’s quite the hair you’re splitting.

It’s not like it was useless information. Probably quite helpful in development of testing and vaccines.

But I guess it’s not treatment, so no credit for evil China.

We took stuff from Italy. It was largely wrong, but whatever. Not trying to diss China, and it is entirely possible it went China to Italy/France then here.

The beginning was all applying ARDSnet to covid (a landmark study on how to handle people with acute respiratory distress syndrome, which Covid causes), good supportive icu care stuff. That was all kinda standard stuff, until we ran out of key meds

Well they delayed that, as I just shared in the AP link. They did release that case study pretty quickly if I recall correctly.

I don’t understand people. It’s not a hair I’m splitting. It’s not a treatment period. We were talking about treatments.

According to cuse’s link:

Drugs are treatment. Maybe it didn’t pan out (yet), but it increased the EV of some sort of drug being developed.

Anyway, if you agree that they released the genome and it was of use, then I’m not sure we have any disagreement. I agree that it’s usefulness for treatment is low.

Also as cuse points out it looks like they sat on it for about a week. So they should certainly be criticized for that. But it was still in early Jan, so it was before the shit hit the fan.

Here it is:

I’m definitely curious whether that information got to you in early March, as my post then was bemoaning that I didn’t trust this administration to be competent enough to make sure it worked its way to our frontline medical workers.

That report is what made me get the pulse oximeter, as they had identified low blood oxygen levels as the key indicator of severe ceases requiring urgent trestment, whereas the consensus internationally hadn’t caught on to that yet and some people with low O2 but no major respiratory symptoms weren’t getting the treatment they needed.

I recall at that stage the forum was doing a great job collectively of picking stuff up from foreign news sources and governments, which generally left us 3-14 days ahead of the US news and government.

The key here is that getting it out may have left to stricter measures being taken a week sooner, and time was HUGE at that stage of it. If the world learns one thing from this it should be that you don’t fuck around with this shit, lockdown early, lockdown hard, and stamp it out while you can.

It’s way easier to keep it from blowing up than to get it under control once it has.

Why would the knowledge of the exact sequence make people lockdown faster? I’m not sure we can tell infectiousness or lethality based on knowledge of the genetic sequence alone. And even before the the sequence was published it was already known that it was SARS-CoV-2, so most of the genome sequence would have already been known.

I assume they’d arrive at that conclusion a week sooner, but maybe I’m wrong. At the very least they’d know a week sooner than this was quite a bit different than SARS and MERS and maybe we should tread lightly given the tremendous unknown.

A week sooner? In January? And anything would be different?

No, not one thing would have been changed in any response anywhere in the world.


The way we know it’s different in an important way from SARS and MERS is in how easily it spreads and how it actually affects infected people.

The actual knowledge of the genome sequence probably doesn’t help that much. Sure you’ll know it’s different, but you don’t know the significance of those differences until people start catching it and you see what happens.

The treatment section was pretty thin, and basically only hcq made it in large numbers to the states. Rest is just a description of how the body dies.

I’m still baffled how everyone missed the PEs at first. (Blood clots in the lungs)

I’m giving you a bed frame, here it is

Thanks. If there is ever a need for me to make that specific bed and I don’t already have the instructions, it will be quite useful!


We had more than 10,000 cases more than the previous high Saturday and more than 20,000 cases more than last Saturday. That is a huge week over week increase. Our 7dma now sits at 67,600.

Yup this gives me great hope for even more lying and obfuscation when a big space rock is known to be on target for Mother Earth.

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This is where the discussion should be. It doesn’t matter how it got it here. The simple fact is that USA#1 is the worst at handling the virus (or at least worst relative to resources).

We wasted the pandemic playbook. We wasted the CDC, the gold standard on the planet. The NIH, FDA, and so on. All for one mans ego.


Put the “Winter is Coming” title back.

Feels like anything that had “China virus” in the title wasn’t a good look, even if in jest.


I’ve completely tuned out of this thread for about 2 weeks as I needed a mental health break from something and I can’t pull away from the election stuff. I know cases are at an all time high now and infections rates are rising (that damn testing, best in the world). What else have a missed? Any noteworthy news on the vaccine or treatment front? Thanks.

This really should be the UP official slogan.