COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I’ve been struggling with this too. Add in the fact that without any election security in place Russia (or the GOP) could straight up rig the votes and hand the future over to the nut jobs. Half of the country wouldnt bat an eye if Trump somehow wins by 5 million votes as they truly believe the “silent majoroty” is a real thing.

This pandemic has probably accelerated some really big changes, and we have to sweat it out to see which way they go. Not fun.


I don’t have any good answers and shit is scary, all I know is step 1 is god forbid a second Trump term


Atlanta Public Schools just announced a 2 week delay in school starting and that the first 9 weeks will be 100% virtual. Hopefully that’s the first of many many districts in spiking locations to go virtual before school starts.

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Definitely. But I’m afraid it goes beyond Trump.

Pandora’s Box has been opened and too much shit has been normalized. I mean we have epidemiologists saying open schools because “only” 5% of kids will be hospitalized.

And then a million non-pandemic things have been normalized. Trump didn’t just shift the Overton Window, he moved it to another zip code and put his name in big letters on it.


Yeah it goes beyond Trump. I do think my dear senator has done a significant amount of damage on this front.

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Billion dollar companies aren’t run by people trying to do the best by their company. They are run by people doing the best by themselves.

As with politicians, understanding this makes everything else make more sense. They aren’t stupid. Just selfish.



Same day. The responses are fantastic

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Is there any analysis out there estimating the magnitude of total covid positives that have just not been tested vs those that have (and thus been recorded as an official case)? I imagine it’s far lower than it was during NY peak times given the flow of time and greater testing capacity but I’d be curious if anyone had (or had a source) that had made estimates?

Most definitely believe they’re doing best by their company.

Disney is also really expensive. Who is going to shell out $500 for a family of 4 to go wear masks in 90+ degree heat while maybe getting a deadly virus?

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I think this may be upthread but always need to highlight these winnars

Plus he is literally the reason why there likely won’t be any of beloved Bama football this fall.


Dumb people. There’s a few in American.

Pornography. There’s some of it on the Internet


Disney sucks. When I went there was one half decent ride (space mountain) and the rest were sub carny level trash. Even space mountain was less exciting than the average ride at like alton towers (which also sucks but is better than disney).

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Remember, this is Florida. We twice elected Rick Scott as governor, a man who in addition to being Voldemort’s Doppelgänger and one of the most un-charismatic people on earth, also perpetrated the biggest medicare fraud in history. Then we sent him to the US Senate. We set a pretty low bar in Florida.


What gives me hope is shifting demographics. I feel like all of this is the last dying gasp of cruelness from the boomer generation and as their numbers shrink we are going to have a massive shift back to the left. Under 65 democrats have a pretty significant edge. Like super majority edge.

So the future is my hope. If Trump wins again though obviously all hope is lost.

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Fun fact - the most self serving, brown nosing, sociopathic career climber I met at my company worked on Rick Scott’s campaign. When he told me that I was like Yup makes sense dude.


I would be more optimistic about this is we had not been hearing some version of this for the past 30 years.